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How I got here... and where I'm at:

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I figure I might as well post this here as well, since I know (based on silences by some and comments by others) there are some here that won't visit where I posted it, and who I'd like to read it.... I was told in a post on another site this morning, that I'd erred in my comments to certain media folks and misrepresented my brethren...: (BTW... media folks, if yer still hangin' about, buzz off now!)

You're the second person today I've heard make the claim that I was out of line "representing" you... I take exception to that. I did no such thing, nor do I believe I was portrayed as doing so.

Let me tell you, from the beginning, what was....

I received an email from someone who'd received an email from Margo Kelly, saying she was trying to find me, and would like me to call her (she'd apparently become interested because of something I posted on another web forum)... So I contacted her... she asked me if I was willing to comment on the radio about how I (that's I, as in me) felt about the split within the IAM (Jallet and dl140 vs the rest of the IAM), and the entire situation at AC.... I said "I'm just a shlep, a nobody, why me?" and she said that was exactly the sort of viewpoint she was after... so I said "sure, why not."

We did one radio interview which aired the following morning (last Friday)... during which I told how I felt about it all...

Then, on Sunday the phone rang and there she was again, telling me the union leaders were all coming out of a meeting claiming they were all united and had 100% backing from their members... and oh, by the way... our TV folks would like to do a short interview with you too... would you be willing?.... I again said "I don't know why you're asking me, but sure... I hate what they're doing and I'm pi$$ed off and I can tell you they damned well don't have 100% support (which I knew to be a fact, since I did not support them!).

Another phone call from a lady in YUL to confirm they were going to send a camera crew out to my house... and another phone call from Margo again... saying she wanted another quote from me for the radio... (after which she asked me to let her know if I knew of anyone else willing to speak their minds... -and gave me permission to post her email address - after which I posted the opening to this very thread... did anyone else contact her???)

In front of the camera, and on the phone, I said how I (that's "I" as in ME !) felt about it all....

Now I've found myself something of a pariah at work... people sneering and avoiding me (you included Dan, witness the other night)... people telling me I've got my head up my [butt]... People telling me I'm an A__hole... etc... and even people telling me to shut up because they feel I've misrepresented them.

I've been in aviation since about 1980 and employed in this field since 85.... Like anyone who's been around the block a few times in this business, I've grown broad shoulders, so, while I'm not happy with any of that, I can take it... what I won't take is being told to shut up when I've got something to say.

Let me tell you something about me.... When I believe in something, I'll say it. When I feel something is wrong, I'll say it. When I'm asked what I think, I'll say it. And I'll say it how I feel it. I don't cotton to the notion of clamming up when I'm asked for an opinion.

My opinion, in case anyone hasn't yet gathered it, is that the IAM (along with the rest of AC's unions) has totally and completely dropped the ball. Some of you guys just don't seem to understand how dire these circumstances are... some seem to think it's a time for status quo and normal, or even harder stances as regards relations between the company and ourselves... We're in BANKRUPTCY for god sakes and the folks who would have financed our sorry a$$es out of this mess were trying to work with us to get us out of it.... Our rotten morons in the IAM could only say "we have nothing to discuss"!!!

That, dear colleagues, made me want to puke. That's not my idea of how I want to be represented in these circumstances! Communication, I believe, is absolutely essential... That means dialogue... dialogue doesn't come - cannot come - when one party says "we have nothing to discuss!

So, when someone asked me what I think... I told them what I think. You don't agree... that's absolutely fine. You think our beloved IAM has represented us well through this mess, that's your opinion.... You think we're better off without TTI and Victor Li... OK, whatever... You'd rather collect pogey than work with new hires on a DC pension... cool... that's your prerogative.

You want me to shut up when someone asks me what I think... with respect, not a flippin' chance!


Your friendly neighborhood pariah,


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How can someone be "wrong" for stating their opinion? One can be misinformed, and start from an incorrect premise, but your opinion is yours and never wrong.

It takes courage to speak one's mind, especially in times of trouble and strife. I think that is where one's character truly comes out. As you are seeing in some of your colleagues.

You are a credit to your trade in this man's opinion. If you ever end up in YYC wearing blue and teal you'll find a bottle of Appleton's in your locker from me.


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If you are being treated like you are in the minority, I would suggest it is because you are of the minority that truly understands the situation AC is in. For the rest of the union members (the majority) that is how unions have become so powerful in this day and age. Unions prey on the lack of understanding of the real issues by the majority of their members, and that is how they are so successful (for lack of a better word).

There are very few that can weed through all the crap, and evaluate the information they have available to them. You are one of these people - and you are not easily fooled.

Trust me Mitch, anyone with an ounce of sense has nothing but high respect for the position you have taken, and your willingness to stand up for what you truly believe. This is your livelihood for God's sakes.

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Guest Airmail


You represent at least 600+ of your colleagues who demonstrated outside the AC YUL Headquarters yesterday at noon. Don't let the union drones get to you.

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Guest bmibebe

Mitch I back you all the way. It takes a lot of courage to do what you did . If we had more people like that at AC we might not be in this mess right now. Good on ya!

On a note , I've been speaking to my other collegues about more concessions ( which are definetely coming) and they are dead set against them. I just what to say to them you are not nailed to the ground at Air CAnada .If you think you can get better then why don't you got there ,and leave those of us who want to stay and turn this company around. Funny thing is they never leave...

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If some of your comrades disagree with your point of view, why can't they be bothered sharing their opinion in public?

Not worth worrying about.

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Guest Starman


I've always respected you opinion as expressed here and elsewhere and it is a lonely place being the point man on a paradigm shift, but there is a predictable chain of reaction to opinions that run counter to old dogma. First they say you're a traitor, then they say you're nuts, then they say you're dangerous. But in the end, when the evidence piles up all around them, they'll say you're right and you were all along.

If ever there is a chance for us to share a couple of "Cuba Libra's", I'm buying... ;-)

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Hey Starman, reminds me of one favorite Gandhi quote.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

- Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

Thanks Mitch for voicing your opinion. What you did and said was right on the money.


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Jeepers! Maybe this sleeping during the day business does have it's merits?... Sometimes the world seems to have changed by the time I wake up! ;)

Thanks folks... I appreciate the comments (and offers of rum :D)... and wise council... and quotes from wise men...

and I know... a man makes his own bed, he's gotta sleep in it. That's ok with me.

(b)'s t'th'lot'o'ye!

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Guest Virtual

Mithch, be sure to ask your co-workers if all of their national 'brothers and sisters' in the auto industry, schools and libraries, etc. are being asked by Buzz, Dave, and Pam to come out to rally for our support. Have they also asked them to be sure to book all of their trips on a 'union' airline - to support our worthy cause. (I would assume none are flying WestJet this fine Easter weekend, then!) If not.... why are our necks on the line for their companies?

Something to think about.

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Guest Deuce

Excellent point Virtual! The CAW insists on all of the work they contract out is done by unionized employees. I buy North American vehicles, partially to supports friends who work at GM (I also like the vehicle - however my eyes have been wandering towards the Japanese based companies). How about it Buzz? You going to encourage your loyal following to fly on the unionized airline?

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Guest Rob Assaf

I back your comments 100% Mitch. I didn't call the media lady as my union, ALPA, IS working with the company and while we have taken cuts in pay and increased productivity, our union hasn't taken a stand that would put us at the brink of destruction and NOT given us a say in that choice.

Pam, Dave and Buzz are too busy fighting to protect their other members pensions to look after your jobs. Their lack of representation of YOUR needs is criminal. They are quite obviously willing to take a stand with AC members jobs to protect the contracts of the other union memebers they represent OUTSIDE the airline industry. This demonstrates a MAJOR flaw with the unions of this country. The first goal of the union should be to represent the membership locally. If you guys wanted to change pensions that should be your choice. If you guys want to do what you need to do and negotiate with the company to save it and your jobs that should be your choice.

Keep up the good work, Rob Assaf

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