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Milton's book?

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I just hope to hell it doesn't start off with, "Hello, it's Saturday, March 13th, and this is Robert"

Someone oughta tell him how flippin' tight-assed he sounds when he makes those tapes! Maybe he needs some lessons from Whoopy or someone?


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I've read the thread and I believe some folks have it wrong. I think Milton's book will be a barn-burner, at least as barn-burners in this industry go.

There's precious few really good books on the industry in Canada...about five, maybe six and I have them*. I would have been interested in what Stevie Cameron would have written, or Susan Goldenberg or even Wayne Skene (hell, even Peter Pigott!) and I would love to have read what Hollis Harris could have put to paper.

Now that Chretien and Collenette, and all the others in the cast of characters of 1999 are no longer in the picture he is free to write and we already know how shy and retiring he is. Milton's story, either as written by himself or as told, will be a most fascinating piece of history and I look forward immensely to the book.


*Some titles:

Troubled Skies; Crisis, Competition & Control in Canada's Airline Industry - Goldenberg

The Adolescence of an Airline - Gordon McGregor

Turbulence: How Deregulation Destroyed Canada's Airlines - Skene

It Seems Like Only Yesterday - Smith

WingWalkers 2nd ed - Pigott

Air Canada Inquiry Report - Willard Estey

Sections of On The Take - Cameron

Senate Transport Committee Hearings on the Airline Industry in Canada

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that fairly well sums up the AIM, now you may understand why those of us in maintenance are trying to replace them.

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Here's an idea Mitch. Why don't you get together with Neo, dagger, cp fa, frosty, deicer and maybe Rob Assaf. That should cover almost all areas of the company. Write your own book from the employees point of view. I'm sure with such a wide variety of experience and viewpoints you guys could come up with something that would blow Miltons book out of the water.

Just a thought.. I for one would love to read that.

Cheers (insert smiley thing here, your choice)

Sky High

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