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For Mitch--Speeding


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Thanks Trader... good to see someone's making some sense.

I knew the label "speed related" was often attached to accidents where excessive speed wasn't the cause at all, but it hadn't even occured to me that it could also mean slow driving! It figures that it would.

Money, money, money .... and here in Ontario at least, they apparently even admit it. Where's the justice!? Where's the sanity!?... Where's my gun!? (just kidding... never owned one)


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Guest jackofalltrades

I always felt that it was the difference in speed that killed. Someone going the posted limit on a 400 hiway is much more dangerous then someone going 30k over the posted limit.

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"Even though it is hard to believe, because we are so brainwashed that exceeding the speed limit is the cause of almost all accidents, removing speed limits had the effect of reducing fatalities. We understand this but it will be a lot harder to overcome Government Greed and convince our money motivated authorities that their fine enforced speed limits are killing Australian road users."

I understand and agree with the argument that speeding does not necessarily cause fatal accidents, but can someone explain to me how speed limits kill people?

In other news, a Wall Street Journal survey shows that 3 out of every 4 people represents 75% of the population...

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Guest ClearRime

I agree that the difference in speed between any two vehicles is potentially more dangerous than their overall speed. It happens whenever someone pulls out of the break-down lane before they sufficient merging speed. But how can you fault anyone for observing the posted limit? There is no way they could coordinate their speed with yours without communicating.

Personally, I get more annoyed when someone flys by me doing 140kph, than I do when I have to slow from 115kph behind someone observing the limit (as long as they are in the right-hand lane).

Until the limits are changed, I don't believe that anyone is any safer when some drivers speed excessively.

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Re: "can someone explain to me how speed limits kill people?"

If one were to accept the premise that road deaths actually decrease with the absence of speed limits, as that article attempts to illuminate, it's not hard to understand... is it?

What some may not often consider, is that alertness increases as perceived risk increases. People driving more to their own abilities (in most cases, faster than current limits), will naturally be more alert as well... keeping themselves interested rather than doddling with their minds wandering away from the task... imo

Perhaps that has something to do with the decline in fatal accidents with increased or removed limits?

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"it's not hard to understand... is it?"

umm yes it is :D

You can argue that the absence of speed limits causes fewer fatal accidents, but that doesn't mean you can reverse the argument and say that speed limits kill people.

By the way, did you know that when there's a decrease in ice cream consumption, there's an increase in skiing-related accidents? Therefore, eating ice cream prevents skiing accidents, and makes for better skiers.


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Guest jackofalltrades

Maybe we could all just ride peddle bikes..it will also help burn off the extra ice cream. Of course my bike will be faster then yours!!

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I just got off the 401. Miserable conditions with snow and blowing snow reducing vis to a couple hundred yds at best as well as icy surface conditions. Along comes this small SUV that is passing all us sissy types in que at 50-60 km in the right lane. A mile ahead the road turns through approx 80 degrees and a large drift has covered most of the two lanes on the back side of the curve.

As fate would have it our speedy SUV came around the bend creamed the drift and ended up twenty feet down and sixty feet out in the weeds. No injuries.

Do ya think speed might have been a factor? Do you think this guy thought his skill levels were above everyone elses? IMHO a driver can't possibly know when the unexpected is about to rear its ugly head.

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I like those stories. Seems a lot of "SUV" drivers think they're safe at any speed in any conditions, 'cause they've got 4WD...

Yep, I'd say excessive speed for the conditions was definitely a factor there.

I just now got off the 407... similar conditions to that which you described... I was down to about 40kph for a little while. (absolutely empty road)

I don't disagree that there are certainly times when slow and steady is the order of the moment. No arguments whatsoever. But... dry roads, good vis, little traffic... see ya.

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