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*********VIRUS ALERT *********

Kip Powick

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With the possible exception of a fine riesling from the Mosel, I distrust anything Germans offer as the pinnacle of human achievement.

Loved your post, though! :)


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Ah, but this is wonderful! You just have to shake the tree a little and all sorts of Mac users fall to the ground. A little bruised perhaps, but they're still great eatin'!

Macs long ago gave up any legitimate claim to being faster, smarter, more intuitive or less likely to crash than any PC. Apple has rested on its development laurels for a decade, PC manufacturers have not.

And you see, in the Mac world you most definitely can't have it all. What you can have is what Apple says you can have. In the PC world, there are thousands of software and hardware manufacturers crying for your business. You tell them what you want and they ask what size, speed, color, OS, processor, video subsystem, bus speed, motherboard, fatherboard, babyboard, and if you want fries with it. The PC world is built around an enormous number of companies all trying to outdo the other in building a better mousetrap. The Apple world on the other hand is built around a proprietary hardware and software combination. I like the free-for-all that the PC community embraces.

If you want to live in the computer world's equivalent of the triple-espresso fastlane at a post-Christmas sale, get a PC. If you'd prefer to live in the computer world's equivalent of a lazy, off-the-beaten-track backwater drinking water from a well while paying too much for the real estate, then get a Mac.

One nod to Apple though, I understand their iPod's rock.



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I've been instructed to tell you that my wife doesn't have a "dissenting" opinion, she has the "correct" opinion, namely that when Germans want your opinion they'll ask you for it, and until then you should keep your hopelessly _minderwertig_ viewpoint to yourself.


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Klugschiesser! :)

One thing that I do like about the Germans is their expressions. God help us, the language itself is hopelessly Byzantine, but by the time it's been distilled on the street they really have something.

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Being a bit harsh on us zesty Mac-lovers, dontcha think Neo? Why such vehemence? Did a Mac long ago give you a nasty shock, or perhaps you cut your finger on its "bleeding edge?" :)

You can relax, man. We Mac diehards know very well that the PC users have basically won the battle for market share, and that they've caught up to the Mac's ease of use; and that today's PCs are generally fast and capable machines.

But what's the harm in letting us enjoy our "Mercedes-puters" in peace? We like Thinking Different. :o

Here's to many more spirited Mac vs PC debates. But let's keep it friendly.


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Guest Joe Chiang

Hi Neo,

Had to jump in to put in my $.02...

I agree with your point on virus being written for the most popular platform, but I disagree that PC software and hardware has surpassed Macs. Speedwise, a fair compairson between Pentiums and Macs is to divide Pentium speed by 3 since each Pentium operations takes 21 'steps' whereas a Mac operations takes only 7 'steps.' PCs, therefore, are nowhere near as fast as most people believe they are.

Software wise, Mac users also have access to all popular PC software - most people will use only internet browser, e-mail, word processing, and accounting/tax software and Macs have all these. If you are in the graphics or publishing business, Macs still reign as the only platform to use. I don't know how stable XP will be when you open a dozen Photoshop documents, but my G4s will not crash.


Joe Chiang (a happy Mac user since my first Apple II - never owned nor desired a PC)

BTW, if you drive for the sake of driving and you ever driven a Porche or BMW M3/5/6, then you will understand why people desire German cars...

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Hey, I used to be a PC user, and for the last 7 years have been utilizing Macs. How many people have bought an OS 9 or 10 Mac and actually gone back to their oh so boring PC's. Mac is always one step ahead and have more quality control as they are pretty much a monopoly. PC on the other hand.....well that's another story.

Try a Mac today, and I am convinced that you will "never go back."

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Zesty Mac-lovers? Are we talking hamburgers now? :)

Gee whiz, T9'er, I didn't think I could get more tongue-in-cheek or provoke more good-naturedly about a less troublesome matter.

You Mac-addicts are a tough audience!


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Guest Joe Chiang

Hi Kip,

I did have to endure years of using PCs in the military. It just reinforced my lack of desire to get one for personal use...

Funny thing when I first got to 434 Sqn - most Challenger pilots owned Macs and T-bird pilots owned PCs....


Joe (always enjoy putting down PCs and Microsoft)

P.S. I don't consider Commodore 64 a PC since we tend to use the term PC for Microsoft running computers. If I had the money in the late 70s I would have bought a PET...

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Hey Joe!

Ah yes, the old, "I can open 24 freakin' Photoshop windows in my Mac. Let's see you try that on your PC!" argument.

Ya gotta hand it to 'em, I'll bet those boys at Cupertino even program Photoshop routines while they're taking one of their frequent naps. Macs totally RULE the world of those who like to work with sixteen layers of a photograph, morph it into an image of their neighbour's dog, solarize the thing and then convert it into tiff's, gif's, and jpeg's one, two and three.

I'm willing to bet that 7% of the computing populace are photo editors, because that's precisely the percentage of people who own Macs. For the 93% of us who want to do everything else in the computing world, PC's run rings around Macs.


[it's all just good-natured ribbing, Joe. Apple makes a fine product. :) ]

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Guest Joe Chiang

No problem with the ribbing Neo,

As I said, Macs reign supreme when it comes to graphics and publishing. I guess those editors/designers all got brainwashed when Macs were much superior than PCs in graphics capabilities. Now PCs have improved they just can't be bothered to switch...

One good thing being a Mac user, I don't have to research and decide on a large number of software that is available. I don't know how many tax programs are available for PCs but all I need for the Mac is TurboTax (I am living south of the border).



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Thanks for your post above. My address is:

donandfran_hudson@telus.net /the photos of the tailstrike would be great.

My son is a budding animator/graphics artist (who will be doing engineering in the fall @ either Alberta, Queens, UBC, or U of T) and we're looking at a new machine for him. He presently has a very good PC. He's been working with 3D Studio Max for the past few years and I am wondering if that same program is available for the Mac, as I know its much faster. MIA is apparently the only program available, but that's a brand new learning curve. Any suggestions? (from others as well, tnx).

I can check on the web of course, but experienced help is always preferable.

kind regards,


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God, I lusted after that Texas Instruments computer. A 3 MHz processor with 256 bytes of onboard RAM. Video sprites. EXTENDED Basic. Sweet.

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