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Question for AC Employees

Kip Powick

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Taken from the Air Canada Daily......

Air Canada Maintenance newsletter Hot Sheet, it was reported that alert employees managed to save the company $413,000 through the submission of 87 Price Watch suggestions in 2003

I was wondering if their were any financial gains for the individuals who made the cost saving suggestions. CP had a similar program but the employees did receive a bit of $$$ if their suggestion was deemed feasible and actually worked. Anything like that in AC??

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I don't think so Kip... at least, if so, it's not something that anyone I work with is aware of.... In fact, I read this "daily" newsletter and wondered where on earth I would submit any suggestions I might have... It's not something well known where I work.

...Maybe we're just not "with it" somehow?...

....Maybe it's all these electronic company communications that I've dismissed as being inadequate that hold the keys to such things?

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