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For Cargo Agent

Mitch Cronin

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For gawd sakes Mitch...Paul was spot on. What you're trying to do is drag down a whole section of the work force into you're own self-inflicted malaize. What a pitiful attempt to hijack a press article to suit your own purpose.

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Man... either you guys are livin' in a completely different world, or I'm more lost than I've ever been??? I haven't got a clue what on earth you're on about?

Just so I don't confuse you or me or anyone else... as painfully tedious as it is, I'll tell you straight what I thought of that article: First, what a sad scene that a guy got himself in so deep that he (apparently) took hi own life! Second, What a crock that the writer implies it's so rampant that many are rich beyond legal means....

Beyond that I added the bit about him thinking I was dangerous for humour's sake, and to add perspective to those thoughts.

Good grief, what kind of nasty pills are you guys taking?

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!?!?!?!? Man you're scarin' me... Am I that thick? What flippin 180? Please speak straight, I have no idea what you mean by that!?

Paul's (at least twice now) been bringing back my earlier bitching about midnights and somehow using it along with my comments about driving fast, and concluding my "credibility" is somehow in doubt.... And he's turned from a guy who once offered to bring me some rum from Australia, (though that fell through) and sent me e-mail with very kind words of support while I was having troubles, into a guy who has apparently taken a rather severe dislike to me...

Now just what friggin' 180 are you talkin about that I've made? Quit being so damned vague.

And by the way... while my blood's beginning to boil here... take your "I truly feel sorry for you" and shove it where the sun don't shine! I don't need your friggin' sorrow. Save it for folks who do.

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I'm not speaking for Cargo Agent But I'm glad that it was him that pointed it out and not me,it means that I'm not the only one to have seen the inconsistancies.

All summer I have watched you post the "poor me " I'm stuck on midnights meanwhile you sure seemed to have a lot of time off to go online and fishing with the kids.

Then it was how bad the shifts are and how bad they are for "my" health.

Then we got to the major rant of "I got a speeding Ticket".

Good GOD man, the cop was doing his job and that is to pull over erratic and overzealous people that think that just because THEY like to drive fast and might have the wheels to do so, that it is their God given right to do so.

I have been commuting for 20 years to this place from The Hamilton area and not once have I gotten a speeding ticket, and no I don't do strictly the limit either.

Stop being a child of the "Poor me, I'm the victim generation and grow up and realize that you are responsible for what happens to you.

Merry Christmas


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First: "All summer I have watched you post the "poor me"I'm stuck on midnights"

Care to find a quote or two to back that up? All summer eh? Like ducks!

"meanwhile you sure seemed to have a lot of time off to go online and fishing with the kids."

I work 4 on 4 off... and I had 5 weeks holidays... (4 now) any more questions?

"Then it was how bad the shifts are and how bad they are for "my" health."

Oh, "then it was", was it?... or was that just an extended part of the "all summer" complaint? Again, poppycock! Yes I've said the night shift is killing me. I think it is. So what? Am I not supposed to say such things?

I think I've also said both a doctor and a shrink have told me (and the company, in writing) I, personally, shouldn't be working midnights, seems my system doesn't react well to it anymore. ...again, so what.

As for what you call my "Major rant"... My rump!... I was passing the time with a tale, that's all. In any of the comments I've made about getting speeding tickets that I remember, I've pointed out that I know I could do a lot worse. Aside from two a few months back in quick succession, I hadn't had one prior to that in about 3 years I think. So I certainly don't feel hard done by. I have opinions I'll share at the drop of a pin as regards road safety, because I see so much wrong driving every day... but who doesn't? Isn't that at least partly what this forum is for? Sharing opinions?

I haven't complained in here about my shift for eons. Where you get off tellin' me I'm "a child of the "Poor me, I'm the victim generation" is totally flippin' beyond me. That you don't know me at all is obvious, so take your assumptions and cork 'em.

And, with all due respect, I'd rather you didn't offer me your disingenuous Christmas wishes. In my mind, Christmas isn't at all about cutting someone to pieces and standing all high and mighty above them saying "Merry Christmas". Hardly what I'd call the Christmas spirit.

If you wanna climb off your flippin' high horse, come on down to bay 8 Christmas eve and shake my hand and maybe we can share a Christmas doughnut.

What the hell is this anyway? Is it my criticism of AC management that's got you guys fired up? Where and how did I invite this manure out of the blue?? And what exactly are "the inconsistancies"?

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I'm not going to get into a pissing contest, also I'm not going to go and search for specific quotes.....as there are 1264 postings put up by you in the last two years and I don't have that much time.

Midnights suck we all know that , but it's still better than the alternative, we've all done our time on midnights. You want to hear a bitch, well out of 20 Christmas's I've had to work 16 and number 17 will be here in 5 short days.

The thing that gets me Mitch , is that you can't be everything to everyone and with a lot of your posts I find that is what you try to do. Maybe it's just the way the board has gone lately with all the poor me crying going on (not aimed directly at you) that I just sit back and shake my head.

It's been said ( possibly by you) that airline jobs are some of the best out there right now and we agree and we wouldn't put up with this crap if they weren't.

With that said it's time to look at thing's as they are not as we would like them to be and to stop the "Bitchfest" ( again not aimed at you).

As for the Christmas doughnut....if you can find the bubble Xmas morning we'll be here at 05:30 and glad to make you a coffee.



P.S. The reason that I have just become a spectator on the board because of the constant whining.

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P.S. The reason that I have just become a spectator on the board because of the constant whining.

Well that makes two of us....and based on the emails I get, there are a lot more "lurkers out there than there used to be. I've never seen so much bitchin' and moaning as in the past few months.

So.. FROST TEA say hello to ICEMAN and have a great holiday season(B) (B)

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Ok, I'm befuddled... first you rake me over the coals for bitchin' that I haven't been doing lately... then you tell me it's because I'm trying to be everything to everyone(?)... then you say there's too much bitchin'...

If your goal was to encourage me to join the ranks of the lurkers, I think you made a good effort, but I enjoy communication too much to shut up. I like being able to express my opinions, and hear those of others...

We're all just bits of bug parts on the windscreen before the next swipe of the wipers, in the grand scheme of things... Very few of us will ever make any difference. Is there any reason we shouldn't do what we can to share our experiences and thoughts with the few we come into contact with who might listen, if it makes us feel good to do so?

Whether anyone gives a flyin' fahootek about my thoughts and opinions is understandably doubtful... I'm a peon among the billions of bits of bug parts... But once in a while, I'd like to think my perspective is at least a little bit interesting to some. And if it gives me a little bit of pleasure to share it, why not? It certainly doesn't do anyone any harm. For some reason, I haven't got that switch that so many have that makes them keep their true self shrouded... I'm somewhat more of an open book than most. I'll worry about that another day.

That "the bitching" in general has increased over time on this site is to be expected, I think, since the very commonality that's attracted us all is a business that's been suffering badly for a time now (for most of us anyway)... If people want to "vent", it may not be what most come here hoping to read, but it's a true reflection of the feelings that exist.

Reality is a bit uglier now for a lot of us than it was a few years ago... When fortunes are sliding backwards it tends to annoy people. Time will heal some of it, and sometimes venting helps that process along.

If I can find the time to hunt you down Christmas morning, I'll bring a doughnut for you, but I know we're gonna be pretty busy (a lot of guys are off and many birds are expected, as the usual off-loading of YUL for Christmas tends to get us swamped). I won't drink coffee after about 0200, but thanks for the thought.

Cheers to you too.

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Ok, I'm befuddled... first you rake me over the coals for bitchin' that I haven't been doing lately... then you tell me it's because I'm trying to be everything to everyone(?)... then you say there's too much bitchin'...

If your goal was to encourage me to join the ranks of the lurkers, I think you made a good effort, but I enjoy communication too much to shut up. I like being able to express my opinions, and hear those of others...

We're all just bits of bug parts on the windscreen before the next swipe of the wipers, in the grand scheme of things... Very few of us will ever make any difference. Is there any reason we shouldn't do what we can to share our experiences and thoughts with the few we come into contact with who might listen, if it makes us feel good to do so?

Whether anyone gives a flyin' fahootek about my thoughts and opinions is understandably doubtful... I'm a peon among the billions of bits of bug parts... But once in a while, I'd like to think my perspective is at least a little bit interesting to some. And if it gives me a little bit of pleasure to share it, why not? It certainly doesn't do anyone any harm. For some reason, I haven't got that switch that so many have that makes them keep their true self shrouded... I'm somewhat more of an open book than most. I'll worry about that another day.

That "the bitching" in general has increased over time on this site is to be expected, I think, since the very commonality that's attracted us all is a business that's been suffering badly for a time now (for most of us anyway)... If people want to "vent", it may not be what most come here hoping to read, but it's a true reflection of the feelings that exist.

Reality is a bit uglier now for a lot of us than it was a few years ago... When fortunes are sliding backwards it tends to annoy people. Time will heal some of it, and sometimes venting helps that process along.

If I can find the time to hunt you down Christmas morning, I'll bring a doughnut for you, but I know we're gonna be pretty busy (a lot of guys are off and many birds are expected, as the usual off-loading of YUL for Christmas tends to get us swamped). I won't drink coffee after about 0200, but thanks for the thought.

Cheers to you too.

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Quote "(a lot of guys are off and many birds are expected, as the usual off-loading of YUL for Christmas tends to get us swamped)"

Lol... We aren't off-loading to yyz Mitch,as of the 15 of dec we have a time bank ban as well as an advisory from management to bring in doctors's notes if we dare call in sick.

We might not be clearing many devs during the holidays (because of the vacations,DPLP,and pto vacation that the company had to give to some of the older crowd his year)but we will be handling our share of the load.

Merry Chrismas and a Happy New Year


AME yul

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