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Everything posted by Seeker

  1. Yes. The pension plan is fully funded and costs the company exactly nothing (that's the DB plan). AC pilots expect the dollar equivalent to the US pilots. What ever they get paid in US dollars, the AC pilots expect the same in C dollars (or, so I've been told anyway).
  2. Interesting. Thanks. None of the official marine maps I can find show anything. It's unfortunate that the the area of your image labeled "Coal Harbour" includes several large marinas along with the refueling staion and therefore the aircraft operating area must see a huge amount of marine traffic. The point of the "aircraft area" at the bottom left is quite near the docks/terminal for seaplanes. So, to go around the seaplane area you must bring your boat closer to the docks - not quite intuitive although probably safer.
  3. I've looked at several online marine and harbour maps and can't find any area marked on them. If anyone has a source they could link or screenshot it would help. Also, can't find anything that shows the actual location of the crash and track of the boat or aircraft.
  4. Embarrassing for both sides.
  5. I also flew floats for years. Not usually from a really busy harbours but busy enough. It does seem odd. It appears towards the collision that the pilot is trying to pull it up into the air - seems he/she knows it's coming and has decided getting airborne is better than a reject or turn. I agree, wait for the investigation.
  6. In my basic analysis it appears that the boat had the right-of-way. Of course it's impossible to know what happened before the video started.
  7. Wise choice. Ain't no pilot anywhere who's complained about flying a KingAir. Early in my career I flew a KingAir 100 and I thought it was perfect. Those who flew the 200 thought it was better and those who flew the 350 thought it was even better. Hard for me to imagine but probably true.
  8. Haven't had them (sound pretty good). I'd bet the onion garlic flavoured ones would go better with a beer though. These new ones are the simplest thing; little pretzel twists sprinkled with an onion/garlic/butter powder but they sure taste good. Can't believe they haven't been made before.
  9. Full can baby! And the pretzels they're going to serve are like crack cocaine - delicious.
  10. Well, don't be too quick to thank me. I read some more about the billion dollar "cost" last night but haven't had time to reply yet. Seems like it might not be a billion after all and that that number comes from his political opponents and just might be inflated a bit.
  11. Yes, I know. Ford is evil. BTW, you are right about the wasted billion on beer in the corner stores.
  12. Yeah, might be a little more complicated than that: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/ontario-liberals-cancel-plans-to-sign-more-green-energy-contracts-to-save-province-up-to-3-8-billion
  13. No doubt each side is concerned with looking like they did their very best; the union wants to look good to the membership and the company negotiators want to look good to their bosses. As you say this makes an early "negotiated" agreement look like someone (or both) settled without their best effort. Anecdotally, the pilots are, apparently, angrier and hold higher expectations than any time since CCAA.
  14. Always wondered how they get the staffing right for AMEs, especially for line maintenance. At least for pilots you gotta fill the seats.
  15. I became an airline pilot because I like looking out the window. Failed out of a lot of things because I was always looking out the window - as a pilot that's a big part of the job!
  16. Who cares about today's environment - tell us the stories! Ain't nobody here but us chickens!
  17. I worked at a place that had this sign on the dash; "To ensure proficiency please do not tip the pilot if you are not completely satisfied with the flight". Worked wonders - made lots of tips.
  18. If anyone is having login or browser problems please send me a PM.
  19. Missing from the story is that Klaus intended to file a lawsuit to recover the $19.99 that each of his party had paid for the return flight.
  20. As Kip says - totally fake. No downdraft and, I don't care who you are, if there's a helicopter hovering 6 feet above you - YOU'RE LOOKING UP!
  21. That and the fact that not a single one of 6 dudes is looking up at the massive helicopter hovering 6 feet above their heads!
  22. Just a reminder - this thread is non-aviation and also non-political. I realize that line is somewhat blurry at times but gender and trans issues definitely fall into the political category.
  23. Come on. Really? I'd get a t-shirt with that as a quote if true.
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