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Posts posted by boestar

  1. On 8/31/2021 at 9:16 PM, UpperDeck said:

    Exactly what IS "Moraphine"?

    Sometimes these forums and the exchanges therein become......less than informative. Boestar....I know you were referring to morphine...tongue-in-cheek.

    Ivermectin in combination with other drugs has been shown to reduce the severity of Covid infections and the need for hospitalization. There were a number of studies done about a year ago that indicated "high confidence".

    What is now claimed about the Pfizer vaccine and others? They reduce the severity of infection.

    Deicer and others deride the use of Ivermectin. What inanity!! Do I know anything about the drug other than what I have read? Of course not but at least I "read" rather than scanned social media for humourous memes.

    Just over a year ago, a pilot I know was infected with Covid as was his wife whose mother died as a result of infection. His wife became a "long-timer". He decided, after some research, to take this ivermectin combo. He quickly recovered. Was that due to the drug? Who knows.

    He forwarded the research paper to me and I sent it on to a physician acquaintance who in turn circulated it among a medical group of which he was a participant.

    The results were mixed but it was generally accepted that there was a reasonable degree of confidence that Ivermectin might significantly reduce symptoms without adverse effects.

    Personally, were I to be infected, I'd welcome any medication likely to reduce symptoms.

    The elimination of tapeworms would be a bonus! Lol






    Don't get me wrong.  I am sure it can reduce "Symptoms" but it does not do anything for the underlying infection.  In fact the vaccine doesn't either.  The Vaccine is prophylaxis not cure.

    I too would welcome any treatment available.  The problem is there would be no money in it for the drug supplier.  Why use off the shelf medication when you can make millions from something new.


  2. 10 hours ago, UpperDeck said:


    Please...question EVERYTHING!! 

    This recent blowup about Ivermectin comes about because people were buying the product at livestock suppliers. Obviously, the dosages were a LOT higher for livestock so people became ill.

    Ivermectin is a widely used medication for parasitic infections like ringworm. Taken at a dosage appropriate for humans, it's harmless.

    It is "off label" for treatment of a viral infection but there are many very capable physicians who believe it is therapeutic.

    The issue with Ivermectin is that it treats the symptoms NOT the cause.  It is theraputic in that the dying patient is more comfortable.  Moraphine would work too ?

    • Thanks 1
  3. 13 hours ago, FA@AC said:

    Some of the looney fringe of the FA group are doing their own thing rather than joining Free to Fly.  I'd have thought the groups would be stronger together but perhaps they can't agree on what needs to be done about the microchips that are being snuck into the vaccines or on what type of tin hat should be worn for protection.  Or maybe they differ on what dosage of horse de-wormer to recommend as prophylaxis.

    Oh, and the FA group alleges criminality too.  LOL.


    ok then 

    Due to you not revealing your vaccination status you shall not be allowed to operate flights to any destination that requires a vaccination for Covid, yellow fever, WPV, Malaria, BiH,Polio.

    As an international worker these requirements are set in place by the countries to which the airline operates.  If you can not meet those requirements then you can operate YYZ-YSB 3 days a week for the rest of your career because working around your irrational fear of health privacy is not in the best interest of the company.


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  4. I got thinking bout the conspiracy theories the other day and It kind of made me chuckle.

    Here is a theory that actually make more sense if you were the guy calling the shots.

    1) introduce a pandemic that, while harmful, is not enough to cause uncontrollable spread in the long run.

    2) introduce a "Vaccine" for said pandemic.  This vaccine would also prevent infection for a yet undisclosed / unreleased pathogen

    3) vaccinate the population where the most compliant people will get vaccinated.

    4) release undisclosed pathogen into the wild thereby infecting only the unvaccinated (non compliant) portion of the population.

    5) reduce the population of the planet while at the same time removing a high percentage of the non-compliant population.

    Why does this make more sense than what the current conspiracies are saying?

    well the current thinking leave the population with only the righteous non-compliant which would only lead to anarchy in the end.  This way we are left with a compliant population (at least until the truth comes out).

    And this my friends is why I laugh at conspiracy theories.


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  5. this has nothing to do with the "Right to fly" (which is not a right under the charter) and everything to do with wanting to get back to work and make money.

    you have the right to freedom of movement but the method is not covered except for by 2 feet and a heartbeat

  6. 15 hours ago, Seeker said:



    might I suggest you read the charter and look at the ORDER that the rights are presented.  Right to life is the top one that cannot be infringed by ANY of the other rights.

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 7/17/2021 at 10:28 AM, Vsplat said:

    First lightning strike should be instructive....

    Might also be interesting to see how protracted ground delays between the departure gate and takeoff are handled - like a trip through the CDF.   I wonder if we will see a ground towing arrangement with auxiliary power.


    Its not like shutting down an engine will take any time.  

  8. 19 hours ago, Kargokings said:

    Lufthansa Enters The Narrowbody Freight Market With 2 A321s - Simple Flying

    Lufthansa is entering the narrowbody freight market by permanently converting two of its Airbus A321 aircraft into freight-only aircraft. The aircraft will receive cargo doors on the main deck, in addition to the relevant fixtures for cargo to be placed on the floor of the aircraft.

    anad of course the mandatory reinforcement of the floor strucure and the installation of the appropriate 16g bulkheads etc etc etc   .

  9. The part that make me laugh it he "High Frequency Rail" part.  We dont need High Frequency we need High SPEED Rail.

    The Windsor - Toronto - Ottawa - Montreal corridor could use the High Speed rail system It has needed it for decades but Canada is not progresssive enough to do it,  So now we will get a very expensive half assed attempt which people will not use because it is too slow.

    Porter from the island would be faster to YUL or YOW.

    I agree with a high speed rail system but not what they are proposing because its too little gain for the money.


    • Like 1
  10. Employment contracts are wonderful things.  When the Bonus structure is written into the contract there isn't much wiggle room.

    Executives get bonuses based on performance.  That is a fact of life.  If you have never worked outside a unionized environment, you wouldn't understand performance based compensation.

    The overall performance of the company rests squarely on the CEO.  HE is the one that takes the punches when things go awry ANYWHERE in the company. with that heap of responsibility comes compensation commensurate with it.  Ultimately it is his / her decisions that shape the company whether you want to admit that or not.

    AC weathered the storm very well long before the government finally got involved to provide LOANS to keep them going.  The only thing that the so called "bail out" actually accomplished was getting cash into the hands of the non-refundable ticket holders who were given vouchers.  nothing more.


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  11. By February 2020 we were in the mix no matter if you shut it down or not.  All it takes is one individual to start a pandemic.  The virus was on our shores and we were not getting away from it no matter what.

    There is no point in Shoulda woulda coulda at this point.  

    The Experts (loosely used) made decisions based on available information AT THE TIME.  Those decisions were the best known course of action AT THE TIME.  They did NOT have the benefit of hindsight.

    Now .... WHAT DID WE LEARN is the question that we should be asking.  What worked?  what did not? 

    A full "After Action Analysis" is necessary to ensure that we do not do this again.  However the short memories of the human race will forget, defund and deflect responsibility when it happens again.


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  12. 16 hours ago, Kargokings said:


    per·se·ver·ance | \ ˌpər-sə-ˈvir-ən(t)s  \

    Definition of perseverance


    : continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition : the action or condition or an instance of persevering : STEADFASTNESS

    yes you are correct.  I (and apparently many others) have always spelled it Perserverence.  I suppose I should have looked it up but it is how I have always spelled it and have never been corrected.

    • Haha 1
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