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Posts posted by boestar

  1. On 1/3/2024 at 12:00 PM, GDR said:

    The L1011 was far more advanced than any of the aircraft of that era particularly with its direct lift control. Great cockpit to work in. The problem was partially that its fuel burn was a bit high.

    say it...It was a pig...Great plane but a pig.


    • Haha 1
  2. 18 hours ago, neverminds said:

    Air Canada mainline(and Rouge) were not the real culprit here, the vast majority of cancellations and delays were attributed to Jazz, which for several months in the summer of 2023 had the worst OTP and most cancellations of any airline IN THE WORLD. The causes were the inability to attract or retain pilots. 

    Jazz is training pilots at breakneck speeds.  In unprecedented numbers.  Problem is they all go to AC once trained due to the flow through agreement.   Jazz OTP is directly controlled by AC.

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 1/3/2024 at 8:52 AM, Kip Powick said:

    As he said, readback all clearances from ATC is imperative, however, he could have mentioned  that is also imperative to fully UNDERSTAND and adhere to  the content of the clearance.🙂


    Strobes,,,Yeh, old and retired as well😅 but I believe WD had us put the strobes and landing lights on when cleared for T/O, (A310).

    I believe the strobes / landing lights were off so as not to bother other aircraft at the button, or taxing to the button....

    (feel free to correct😧)

    the dash 8 is either beacon or strobes.  Beacon when taxiing and switch to strobes on the runway.  One 3 position switch


  4. On 12/30/2023 at 10:01 AM, Kip Powick said:

     with only one fatal accident attributed to a problem with the aircraft.


    Well that is NOT True...The pilots flew into TSM and windshear took them down. There wasn't that much knowledge of the full potential of windshear at that time,  but when they encountered it, full power was applied a bit slow and too late....not the aircraft's fault.

    Gooogle the accident and listen to the CVR


    The flight that went into the everglades (104?)  was the only accident attributed to mechanical failure of the aircraft.  A faulty indicator light on the nose gear.  The remaining issues on that flight were pilot induced.


  5. 13 hours ago, Malcolm said:

    Electric vehicle owners struggle to find charging stations | CBC.ca


    Canadians are buying electric vehicles in record numbers, but there are concerns that infrastructure is not keeping up with demand. Some EV owners say they're finding that many buildings aren't properly equipped with charging stations.

    really?  Who knew?

    Infrastructure?  Nah we don't need that.  everyone has electricity.

    An all electric future will never happen no matter what the tallking heads say.  We do not have the power grid to support it.  We can barley support a 30 degree day in YYZ now.

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  6. On 12/16/2023 at 12:07 PM, Seeker said:

    As I understand it (don't have enough interest to research it)  is that the problem is not how prevalent EV fires are but how incredibly hard they are to extinguish when they do happen.  And, of course, while trying to extinguish them the fire is far more likely to spread and cause damage around it.

    Also, gasoline vehicles rarely catch on fire when unattended and not in operation such as when parked in your attached garage overnight while sitting in the garage recharging in the middle of the night the EV is in it's high-threat window  (again, as I understand it).

    Battery fires are contained not extinguished.  You prevent spread and cool the battery until it finally exhausts its fuel.  that can take as much as 6 hours or even more.

    Interestingly a Motorcycle fire is treated as a Bomb.  The fire department will not fight a motorcycle fire.  they stand back until it explodes.  Certain types of car fire a treated similarly.

    In my neighbourhood there have been 3 fires in the last 10 years of a vehicle while parked and unattended. Cause deemed to be electrical all 3 times.  All were Internal combustion cars.

  7. On 12/24/2023 at 3:00 PM, Malcolm said:

    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Herd immunity, lockdowns and COVID-19 (who.int)

    'Herd immunity', also known as 'population immunity', is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection. WHO supports achieving 'herd immunity' through vaccination, not by allowing a disease to spread through any segment of the population, as this would result in unnecessary cases and deaths.

    remember many years ago they had POX PARTIES to get your kid infected with chicken pox so you could control the when and how?  Well no one thought that was an issue.  until 50 years later when Shingles showed up which is far worse that the Chicken Pox even though it is the same virus sitting dormant until it gets you.

    That was an attempt at herd immunity through infection with a nasty side effect.  Now we get vaccinated for Shingles and it isn't cheap. 

  8. On 12/26/2023 at 2:17 PM, UpperDeck said:

    Only slightly on point.....I had a boating "neighbour" at Miami Beach Marina some years ago. Her name was Shari Arison. Her brother is Micky Arison. They own(ed) 30% of Carnival Cruise Lines; a bank in Israel etc etc.

    She had a 230+ ft boat and I got to know a few of the crew. I think there were about 18 crew members. They were in the process of having a new one built.....270 ft. "just because".

    It goes without saying but...1) I was never closer to the boat than the dock ; and, 2) I doubt I was ever in the same State as the owner at the same time.


    However...being in proximity to that kind of wealth can have its advantages.

    Another year I was on a dock at the same marina and the owner of Albertsons ( large chain of stores) had a largish boat on the T-head. He was orthodox and apparently one of the crew did something in the galley "un-kosher". The Captain was directed to completely gut the galley. I was the fortunate beneficiary of a few very nice ( and expensive) appliances!!



    There is a method to the expensive boat and the act of holding it for a few years and then getting rid of it.  It is called Tax avoidance.  What these companies do is start a shell company that "charters" the yaught.  Since they don't really try to "Charter" it but instead just use it to entertain clients etc. They lose money.  But the IRS does not let you lose money indefinitely so you need to "sink" the company.  In doing so you get away from a heavy tax burden since you took a loss but still had full use of the yaught for a few years.  Then you sell it off to recoup the cost (portion there of) then start the process again.  This was explained to be  by a large business owner in Miami.  It seems the old adage that you need money to make money holds true here.  Of course it also points out that Tax Avoidance is the legal version of Tax Evasion.


    • Thanks 1
  9. 11 hours ago, st27 said:

    Next time you’re at Home Depot, you can be confident that the store was a good business model……..




    Just a tad on the obscene side, imo.

    I did some work for Home depot in Atlanta on one of their $90M Global Express Jets.  Why is this any different.  He has the money he can spend it as he chooses.  

    Do I agree that he needs that much?  No but he earned it so let him spend it as he pleases.  It keeps a LOT of people employed.


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  10. On 11/18/2023 at 12:48 PM, Specs said:

    I have yet to meet anybody who has sat in the latest economy seats for any period of time that didn't think the decline in comfort was orders of magnitude worse than it was.  It never used to be painful.  Now it seems it is. 

    It is the new lightweight seats.  They are light because there is no cushion anymore.  Airbus has the worst seats of the bunch


  11. I think the "I'm Not OK" is more related to the depression that the mushrooms.

    That is a statement of a realization leading to a suicide attempt.  He was not mentally ok.  We have a tendency to not listen to people when they admit they are no ok and thus they do not get the proper help in a timely fashion.

    This is a sad event for him as he will never fly again.


    • Thanks 1
  12. 7 hours ago, deicer said:

    Boeing experiencing more problems with 737 production.


    Boeing says a new 737 Max flaw will slow airplane deliveries

    • The company said that fastener holes on some 737 Max aft pressure bulkheads were improperly drilled.
    • The issue is the latest to slow airplane deliveries at Boeing.
    • Boeing said the issue was not related to flight safety.

    Nah no flight safety issues.  UNTIL THE PRESSURE BULKHEAD BLOWS OUT due to improperly drilled holes.

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  13. 19 hours ago, Turbofan said:

    It is accurate.  You don’t understand the consequences of the policy change from about 2 years ago.

    The only people using C2 are commuters. Flight Attendants included. Everyone else has plenty of C1’s for personal use.

    For a commuter the C1 allotment amounts to 1 per month.  The other 3 or 4 commutes are at C2.  It is not uncommon to have people with 30 years of service in the bottom 10% of the con list. The C2 has become the old D priority. 

    Today new hires get on before commuters with decades of longevity trying to get to work.  

    The net result is bottom of the con list for commuters the vast majority of he time.  


    Yeah we don't get C1s we have to use C2s 

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