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I recieve this little message from my sister, it's probably not true but it is fitting.


I sat in my seat of the Boeing 767 waiting for everyone to hurry and stow their carry-ons and grab a seat so we could start what I was sure to be a long, uneventful flight home.

With the huge capacity and slow moving people taking their time to stuff luggage far too big for the overhead and never paying much attention to holding up the growing line behind them, I simply shook my head knowing that this flight was not starting out very well.

I was anxious to get home to see my loved ones so I was focused on "my" issues and just felt like standing up and yelling for some of these clowns to get their act together. I knew I couldn't say a word so I just thumbed through the magazine from the seat pocket in front of me. You know it's really getting rough when you resort to the over priced, useless sky mall crap to break the monotony.

With everyone finally seated, we just sat there with the cabin door open and no one in any hurry to get us going although we were well past the scheduled take off time. No wonder the airline industry is in trouble I

told myself. Just then, the attendant came on the intercom to inform us all that we were being delayed. The entire plane let out a collective groan.

She resumed speaking to say "We are holding the aircraft for some very special people who are on their way to the plane and the delay shouldn't be more than 5 minutes. The word came after waiting six times as long as we were promised that "I" was finally going to be on my way home. Why the hoopla over "these" folks? I was expecting some celebrity or sport figure to be the reason for the hold up.

Just get their butts in a seat and lets hit the gas I thought. The attendant came back on the speaker to announce in a loud and excited voice that we were being joined by several Canadian Soldiers returning home from Afghanistan!!!

Just as they walked on board, the entire plane erupted into applause.

The men were a bit taken by surprise by the 340 people cheering for them as they searched for their seats. They were having their hands shook and touched by almost everyone who was within an arm's distance of them as they passed down the aisle.

One elderly woman kissed the hand of one of the Soldiers as he passed by her. The applause, whistles and cheering didn't stop for a long time.

When we were finally airborne, "I" was not the only civilian checking his conscience as to the delays in "me" getting home, finding my easy chair, a cold beverage and the remote in my hand.

These men had done for all of us and I had been complaining silently about "me" and "my" issues. I took for granted the everyday freedoms I enjoy and the conveniences of the Canadian way of life I took for granted others paid the price for my ability to moan and complain about a few

minutes delay to "me" those Heroes going home to their loved ones.

I attempted to get my selfish outlook back in order and minutes before we landed I suggested to the attendant that she announce over the speaker a request for everyone to remain in their seats until our hero's were allowed to gather their things and be first off the plane.

The cheers and applause continued until the last Soldier stepped off and we all rose to go about our too often taken for granted everyday freedoms......... I felt proud of them. I felt it an honour and a privilege

to be among the first to welcome them home and say Thank You for a job well done.

I vowed that I will never forget that flight nor the lesson learned.

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Please do not confuse an attempt at humour [which is all too lacking in this industry these days] with my feelings toward the military and the sacrifices they are making. I sincerely hope this was a true story!!

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Is that supposed to be a put down to those of us who work for "charter airlines"?

One other thing charter airlines don't tend to have connecting passengers. But if we did I would certainly take a delay in order for Members of the Forces to make the flight and get home for a well deserved rest.

Don't forget those men and women are there for us when we need them, they have to answer their phone when it rings.



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No you missed the point. This appears to be nothing more than one of those fictional internet "feel good" stories that certain people send to everyone on their email list.

Oh, I know, it doesn't matter whether its true or not, right? Well, sorry there, but it does. If you want I'll start writing some fictional drivel to make everyone feel good. And you can send to all your addresees.

I think the NY Times had an issue about whether the stories in their newspaper were true or not, didn't they?

Sorry you missed the point. IMHO

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