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Tip for Westjet Airlines

Kip Powick

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I know WJA is new in the charter field but there is one thing that can be done to get a few extra $$ for the company and most other charter airlines do this. It is also something frequent charter "guests" like.

I've checked with CCD and they are/were not aware of this fact. ohmy.gif

On charter flights it is nice to have a pre-assigned seat. Most companys will let you pick a seat for around $20.00 per person(round trip).

Of course the GOOD seats...Emergency rows...are not up for sale because of safety concerns...seats have to have an ABP in them (Able Body Person) and no charter company will take your word that you are ABP...over the phone.

Perhaps someone at WJA could follow this up....if WJA is going to get into the tour company charter work. wink.gif

Just a suggestion from away out here in the bunker

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Good idea Kip, but not sure how we would be able to accomplish that. We don't run the charters ourselves but just supply the craft and crew. The charter companies themselves fill the seats. However, I'm not sure how the check in and seat assignment process works so I could be wayyyyyyyy off track here.

Sure be something to look into though.

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the question is does WJ get the $20 or does it go to the charter company, as they are pre assingning the seat?

The tour Company DOES NOT assign the seat.. The airline does. One DOES NOT call the tour company, ergo the airline gets the money...I would assume.

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