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Plane Carrying Italian Fashion Mogul Missing

Kip Powick

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CNN) -- A small plane carrying six people, one of them Vittorio Missoni, a director of Italy's Missoni fashion house, is missing off the coast of Venezuela, Interior Minister Nestor Reverol Torres said.

The plane was carrying four Italian nationals who were on vacation, he said in a statement Friday.

The search for the missing aircraft continued Saturday, an Italian Foreign Ministry spokesman said.

Missoni confirmed in a statement that Vittorio Missoni, the son of the fashion house's founders Ottavio and Rosita Missoni, was on the plane with his wife.

"The small plane they were traveling on has disappeared. This is all the information currently available," the company statement said.

Vittorio Missoni, 58, runs the company with his siblings, Luca and Angela.

The Venezuelan Interior Ministry identified the two other Italians as Guido Foresti and Elda Scalveuzi. A pilot and co-pilot also were on board.

The plane left Los Roques, an archipelago and resort, bound for the international airport outside Caracas, about 90 miles away, Reverol said.

A spokesman in the Italian Foreign Ministry's media office confirmed that four Italians had been reported missing Friday night in Venezuela but declined to identify them.

The Italian authorities are in touch with their Venezuelan counterparts and the families of those missing, the spokesman said.

The Italian Foreign Ministry has called on the Venezuelan authorities to do all they can to locate the missing plane and those on board, he said.

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partial text of CNN this evening.........................

...................Venezuelan officials said search efforts to locate the small plane Vittorio Missoni and his wife were flying in were intensifying. Authorities say the plane last made contact about 10 nautical miles from shore on Friday."All the organizations involved will not diminish the intensity of the search and also will not discard any hypothesis that could lead us the the location of the plane," Venezuela's air transportation ministry said in a statement Sunday.More than 385 people were involved in the search, including military personnel, divers, civil protection search teams and volunteers, the ministry said..........................

Divers???? I have no idea of what use divers would be at this stage. Underwater in those areas one can see about 75-100 feet horizontaly but only where the water is fairly shallow, (<50 feet) and the bottom is visible but viz drops rapidly the deeper one goes and ten miles off shore there would be nothing to see unless there was a reference spot/debris etc. I would think the divers would only be useful in reef areas or close to shore but diving without a reference point, (debris) is pretty pointless.

99% of the time if an aircraft impacts the water, there will be floating debris but the again currents can quickly displace that debris with each passing hour and then the search area increases in dimensions.

I wish them luck...

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What's a "Fashion Mogul" Kip? Is he/she more important than that poor x-rabbit I saw on the road yesterday? ...or you?... If you have a bad day, will there be "news"?

[i'm a sod aren't I? ....seems I'm always picking on you to make a point here or there... I know you'll forgive me, and I can get away with it.... that's why I do it -grin-]

Hey! iPad users.... get that Ap that lets you see all the details of the stars you're pointing your ipad at.... then after a month of trying it, tell me you give a **bleep** about some "fashion mogul", (or anyone else who thinks they're important).... [big=flippin'huge-grin]

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Especially for Mitch............

“It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of your deranged imagination.”

Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

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