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Powerful images from April, 1945

Mitch Cronin

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I never saw the film, "Schindler's list". Knowing what it was about, and knowing I don't have the stomach for that side of "human" behavior, I've avoided watching that one. For the same reasons, I've not seen any of the several, reasonably well recommended movies that document the nazi treatment of prisoners in their "concentration camps".

Still, I must have seen pictures over the years, because I've had images in my mind of the horrors in the death camps. And I certainly never once doubted any of it.

This morning, however, I came across this film I've linked below, and in a sudden moment of yearning to overcome my own fears, I forced myself to watch it.

HoLee sh!t!! This is a really powerful set of images! It is raw documentary film, taken as the prison camps were liberated...

So why, if it's so powerfully disturbing (and certainly un-related to flying or the business thereof...), would I link it here now?... Because I found it so ... effective... at showing the absolute wickedness... the extreme extent of human suffering... I think the whole planet should see this.

How can we do this to each other? These were otherwise, "normal" people, who both allowed and participated in some of the most incredibly ugly, horriffic... sigh.. I know. You all know all of this..,

...but as we all "tighten our security", and watch "free" people willingly permit totalitarian behaviour from "democratic" institutions... and allow themselves to be stripped of some most fundamental freedoms and rights... These images ought to serve as stark reminders of what can lie at one end of the path.

Graphic detail... Viewer discretion is advised:


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