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You know you're having a bad day when ...


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A Britten-Norman Islander operated by ******** was on a round robin flight from Mayo, YT to Hart Lake outfitters camp. On the return leg, the pilot elected to divert to the Bear River airstrip due to IMC, including icing. The pilot did not (or was unable to) notify anyone of the unscheduled stop. When the aircraft was reported overdue, RCC Victoria commenced an airborne search and Sifton Air also dispatched one of it's aircraft.

The pilot of a company Cessna 206 ..... located the Islander later in the day at the Bear River airstrip. When the Cessna arrived at the airstrip the surface of the strip was covered with three to six inches of damp, fresh snow. The Cessna was fitted with 29 inch tundra tires on the main gear and an 8.5 inch tire on the heavy duty nose gear, and an attempt was made to land to provide assistance. On touchdown the aircraft decelerated rapidly and the nosewheel cocked fully to the right. Prior to stopping, the aircraft rocked completely onto the nosewheel and the propeller and the left wing tip struck the ground. The spar and wing skin on the outboard three feet of the left wing, and the propeller, sustained substantial damage. The two occupants were uninjured. Fuel was transferred from the Cessna to the Islander and the Islander was flown out of the airstrip the following day. The Cessna was recovered to Mayo using a helicopter.

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It's not a dead link - it takes you to the search page. You can then search using one of the available search criteria. The other search page also allows you to saerch using the specific CADORS number (2008C3650) if you happen to know it.

The CADORS site does not support direct links to the individual summary page...

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It's not a dead link - it takes you to the search page. You can then search using one of the available search criteria. The other search page also allows you to saerch using the specific CADORS number (2008C3650) if you happen to know it.

The CADORS site does not support direct links to the individual summary page...

OK, I tried to search the CADORS number on the page you linked to initially and it didn't work but the second page does. The report says exactly the same thing as J.O's original post so I stand by my assessment; the crew may have described the snow as being 3-6" but I doubt that is an accurate description.

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Not a criticism, just a comment. I blanked out the operator's name because as a safety guy, I try to focus on "what happened" rather than "to whom it happened". Hence, I didn't post a CADORs link. If it were me that was involved, I'd prefer it that way as well.

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