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AEF Problems or me?

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Normally if I click on the double chevron next to a post ( >>) which indicates something has been added since I last looked at it..... it should take me to anything in that thread that I have not read.

At the present time, all it does is bring up the plain white,vlank page of IE....the address in my IE window is.....


If I just click on the header or title of the post I get the entire thread and have to scroll to the posts I have not read.

Anyone else having this problem.???

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Or maybe it's because of an astute old guy (like Kip) that the forum administrators were able to fix a problem with the system. So how come one of you young bucks didn't pick up on it first? Hmm? laugh.gif

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Guest rattler
Old...Old ?? Moi !! Well yes, I suppose so cause last Thursday I became eligible for the last "big" pension.

user posted image

...(I think I'll see about $14.00 a month of that)

Thanks Adminuser posted image

Kip, Old Man. If by that you mean the Old Age Pension then I must yield the "Elder Statesman" title to you as you would have to be much older than I am to qualify for drawing that pension. cool.gif

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much older than I am Nice deflection Sire laugh.gif

Really.....I guess you retired as a young man thenuser posted image I went the distance and sure am glad I didn't /don't have to go to the new rule, if they bring that in....Life is way too short to keep skipping above the clouds...so much to do...so much to see....so little time to do it.user posted image

Enjoy each day you have shrugged off the chains of employment as it is one closer to your last.... biggrin.giftongue.gif

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Guest rattler
much older than I am Nice deflection Sire laugh.gif

Really.....I guess you retired as a young man thenuser posted image I went the distance and sure am glad I didn't /don't have to go to the new rule, if they bring that in....Life is way too short to keep skipping above the clouds...so much to do...so much to see....so little time to do it.user posted image

Enjoy each day you have shrugged off the chains of employment as it is one closer to your last.... biggrin.giftongue.gif

Saw my chance at 55 and never regretted it. Did not retire with a bag of money but so far..... so good.

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