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Lotta Bull

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Go Bulls Go...

What a disgusting "sport", spectator sport to be precise. One reason I've never been a Greenpeace supporter is their continued silence about this activity. Killing of baby seals violates peoples sense of cuteness. Taunting, torturing and senseless killing of these animals violates my sense of humanity.

Wonder what the tag at the end of the credits would be in a movie about bullfighting: "No animals were hurt or harmed in the making of this motion picture, except the stupid bulls." ??


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I coudn't agree more with your comment on this disgusting sport. But I have the same feelings for cock fighting, dog fighting, bear baiting or any inhumane animal sports which the outcome is death for the animal.

Good for the bull and I hope that the Matador's gonads are mush. Unfortunately the bull was probably killed but at least he had some revenge.

What a twisted , sick society we are when we enjoy watching the maiming and killing of innocent animals for sport.

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But I have the same feelings for cock fighting, dog fighting, bear baiting or any inhumane animal sports which the outcome is death for the animal.

Likewise NG. A big difference from my point of view is that not only is bullfighting legal, it is a nationally promoted "sport".

Go Bulls Go!

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