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Guest rattler

A smog advisory is in effect for southwestern, central and parts of eastern and northeastern Ontario.

Air quality indices are expected to be moderate to poor across southwestern, central, and parts of eastern and northern Ontario, with the rest of the province remaining in the good to moderate categories, due to ozone and fine particulate. Tomorrow, air quality indices are expected to be moderate to poor across southwestern, central, and parts of eastern Ontario, and good to moderate elsewhere, all due to ozone and fine particulate matter. Thursday, air quality is expected to be good to moderate across the province, mainly due to ozone.


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So what's causing the 13km visibility?user posted image

Well...em ..errr....out here in "Smallville" we do live in a bit of a topographical bowl surrounded by trees and small valleys as well as pristine water, the Bay of Quinte, which is only 2 kms across...soooooooo maybe that's as far as the Met reporter can see........

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!! user posted image

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