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Just a little humour

Kip Powick

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Sorry about your friend but humour comes in all forms...even black humour, and as far as suicide goes I look at it as " a permanent solution to a temporary problem."

Sorry.... but that is just how I feel and to me it was funny...but y'know...different strokes etc etc.

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It has a rather destructive and terribly hurtful outcome to those left behind.

It's an incredibly selfish act for those who have family... I can only imagine the pain.

Years ago, I knew a guy who'd seen his father do it with a shotgun... he was drunk and told me the whole story one New Years eve... (about a year or so after the fact) The next day he couldn't get his head screwed on straight... His Mother eventually called for help and the white coats came and took him away on New Years Day... He spent a long time in a psychiatric ward after that... Not necessarily related I suppose, but hard not to draw the connection. ... and most certainly at least a contributor. sad.gif

Even in the deepest, darkest depths of despair and depression there ought to be enough care and concern for the effects on loved ones - if there are any - to prevent that! ph34r.gif

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It has a rather destructive and terribly hurtful outcome to those left behind.

It's an incredibly selfish act for those who have family... I can only imagine the pain.

Years ago, I knew a guy who'd seen his father do it with a shotgun... he was drunk and told me the whole story one New Years eve... (about a year or so after the fact) The next day he couldn't get his head screwed on straight... His Mother eventually called for help and the white coats came and took him away on New Years Day... He spent a long time in a psychiatric ward after that... Not necessarily related I suppose, but hard not to draw the connection. ... and most certainly at least a contributor. sad.gif

Even in the deepest, darkest depths of despair and depression there ought to be enough care and concern for the effects on loved ones - if there are any - to prevent that! ph34r.gif

"...in the deepest, darkest depths of despair and depression..." there is nothing. It is a void. There is no past, present or future. There is no hope. The "care and concern" must, of necessity, come from the outside to rekindle that that has been lost.

Not all siucide is the result of depression, however, and in those instances I have little compassion for the "victim". Certain news headlines come to mind... sad.gif


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mmmm... Yep, there's them too. ...

Fortunately for myself, I've never been quite as far as "the deepest, darkest depths" (almost sounds like "a dark and stormy night" doesn't it? tongue.gif ), so I'll admit I don't quite know of that void you speak of... never want to either. ...but I maintain, there "ought to" be a sliver of care left for others... one's own children at least.

It's a bit of a conundrum to me... selfishness at it's perigee and apogee all at once.

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