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Have you got ID ?

Kip Powick

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He seems to miss the point that some airlines require ID so they can verify that the person who bought the ticket is the person that is travelling, more a prevention of fraud than Big Brother watching.

Considering how easy it is to obtain false id in many places I don't see how flashing a piece of id with a picture on it will absolutely prove your identity.

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The authorities should just make it mandatory for all passengers to wear flight crew uniforms. That's a sure fire way to get checked, double checked, then almost stripped every time you go through security. After all....the pilots are the dangerous ones with that fire axe readily available etc.... mad.gif . I wonder if they have figured out yet that we also have that thing called a Joy Stick to play with as well...

The simplest way to go undetected is to be of middle east origin and dress as either a security guard, a cleaning lady or a Tim Hortons employee. You are bound to go undetected and unmolested every time..

At least that's the way YYZ works........

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