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For What It's Worth

Kip Powick

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For What It’s Worth

A few months ago my daughter had her credit cards lifted. In the same vein there is a thread on the OAC pilot forum about fellows that have had similar experiences.

Anyhow, there was no damage done as far as my daughter goes as she cancelled the cards immediately and the fellow who managed to rack up in excess of $500.00 on the card in three days was caught on camera at a gas station north of YYZ.

This past Christmas I happened to see one of her credit cards and what she has done, on advice of a credit card exec is inked, in permanent ink, on the back of her card is


Well it is true that not many cashiers even look at the back of the card and compare signatures, it is a bit of a deterrent to the individual who stole the card…..It also means that she has to turn over photo ID each time as well and she has gone on a mini campaign to ensure all cashiers she deals with checks the back of the card.

……..me, on the other hand, often say to Scuba 02 rather loudly and much to her embarrassment, as my card is handed back without a signature check., “See I told you the card we found in the parking lot would probably work” tongue.gif

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……..me, on the other hand, often say to Scuba 02 rather loudly and much to her embarrassment,  as my card is handed back without a signature check., “See I told you the card we found in the parking lot would probably work”  tongue.gif

I like your approach, Kip. Nothing like a little shock value to get a message across. I'd be curious to know what your capture rate is? dry.gif

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Hi J.O.

All the time I have said that I have only been asked for my card back once....I think the cashiers just look at me as an old fa^# and says to her self..."Ahhh he's just funnin' me."

PS...re your PM to me...thank you very much...not ignoring you ...just seem to have only a few free moments in each hour as I'm really swamped with these pilot bios. Will reply tonight.

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All the time I have said that I have only been asked for my card back once....I think the cashiers just look at me as an old fa^# and says to her self..."Ahhh he's just funnin' me."

Another example of normalization of deviance.

PS...re your PM to me...thank you very much...not ignoring you ...just seem to have only a few free moments in each hour as I'm really swamped with these pilot bios. Will reply tonight.

Rats! I thought I was having the last word! wink.gif

Seriously, I look forward to your reply, Kip.


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Had the same happen to me. Ordered 3 cards for my wife and myself. Neither arrived so we had to have the bank cancel those cards and ordered two more. A week later only mine arrived. Well, silly me, I activated my card by phone while we waited for another one to arrive for her.

While enquiring about her card over the phone the bank rep decided to look into some purchases. Seems someone had spent $400 at Home Depot, $500 at some clothing store and $4000 at the Sony Store!!!

Anyway, the bank didn't seem to care to much other than having me sign a declaration that I had not made those purchases. Even worse, when I contacted the Sony Store about not asking for ID I was given the brush off!!!!

Fraud costs hundreds of milions a year and the credit card companies could do more to stop it but do not. They just pass the cost along.

I don't know if it is an option in Canada but in the Middle East I deal witha British bank and they have my signiture printed on the FRONT of the card as well as a photo!

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This past Christmas I happened to see one of her credit cards and what she has done, on advice of a credit card exec is inked, in permanent ink, on the back of her card is


That's not bad advice but in my case it wouldn't have helped. My credit card number was stolen. An alert clerk in Canadian Tire phoned VISA and reported an "unusual" activity related to a purchase. I never found out what tipped him off, but I'm guessing not having the card was a bit of a give-away. By the time I was contacted, someone had charged more than $7000.00 (within 2 weeks) to my card! It was all written off as a fraud credit, but Trader is right about the cost getting passed along.

It could have been worse I suppose. I could have had a Rogers cell phone and been saddled with $12,000.00 worth of long distance charges... which don't get written off.


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I don't know if it is an option in Canada but in the Middle East I deal witha British bank and they have my signiture printed on the FRONT of the card as well as a photo!

I have a CitiBank mastercard issued in Canada that has the photo and signature imprinted on the front of the card, be great if more of the c.c. companies would follow suit.

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