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Note to Conservatives:

Mitch Cronin

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One statement that stands out for me is "Bible thumper".  What is it?

"Bible thumper"

n 1: Someone who tries in a forceful or enthusiastic way to persuade other people to believe in the Christian religion and the Bible.

2: An evangelical or fundamentalist Christian who believes the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that its enclosed laws and precepts should strongly guide public policy.

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We the people are truly weak and easily we jump or scare from propaganda spun and reported by our so-called unbiased media.

You must be happy that Fox News is now available in Canada.

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I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce. biggrin.gif

I thought you had already diagnosed it when you said:

"We the people are truly weak and easily we jump or scare from propaganda spun and reported by our so-called unbiased media."

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We the people are truly weak and easily we jump or scare from propaganda spun and reported by our so-called unbiased media.

Get a grip people and convict those that are found guilty. Punish those that are responsible and don’t fear the unknown.

A few of us easily jump or scare from propaganda about WMDs in Iraq and Saddam-Al Qaeda links spun by GWB, too.

Get a grip people.

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Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view. tongue.gif

My point of view is hardly unique in this country. That's why it drives you nuts. smile.gif

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My point of view is hardly unique in this country. That's why it drives you nuts. smile.gif

It was a facetious remark hun. Sarcasm is just one more service I offer here! biggrin.gif

I'll save you the time.laugh.gif


adj : cleverly amusing in tone; "a bantering tone"; "facetious remarks"; "tongue-in-cheek advice" [syn: bantering, tongue-in-cheek]

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How can I miss you if you won't go away? biggrin.gif

I'm only here to hound you for the cheque. Alimony. Now! Besides, you asked me to play ("Any comments, FA_AC?") You did miss me. biggrin.gif

I'm kinda wondering about that internet chick thing you have going, though. What would that cuckoo clock whose drivel you used to post--the guy who chairs the Family Research Institute, I mean--say about you amusing yourself that way?

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Guest Hawkeye

"Bible thumper"

n  1: Someone who tries in a forceful or enthusiastic way to persuade other people to believe in the Christian religion and the Bible.

2: An evangelical or fundamentalist Christian who believes the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that its enclosed laws and precepts should strongly guide public policy.

Bible thumper"

Then that would define Billy Graham and his Crusade as Bible Thumpers! I personally have a great deal of respect and admiration for this God fearing man. I boldly confess I am only one of the millions around the world that share his beliefs and convictions. It is certainly a label I can live with.


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Bible thumper"

Then that would define Billy Graham and his Crusade as Bible Thumpers! I personally have a great deal of respect and admiration for this God fearing man. I boldly confess I am only one of the millions around the world that share his beliefs and convictions. It is certainly a label I can live with.


Me too but Harper is no Billy Graham even though some would like to say he is! wink.gif

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Then that would define Billy Graham and his Crusade as Bible Thumpers! I personally have a great deal of respect and admiration for this God fearing man. I boldly confess I am only one of the millions around the world that share his beliefs and convictions. It is certainly a label I can live with.

I belive that you are correct. In fact, here is some interesting information on his political leanings:

Politically, and perhaps quite surprising to many, Graham has been a registered (if somewhat nominal) Democrat, although more recently he has adopted a flexible position, choosing to cast his vote with either party, depending on which he considers most appropriate at the time. He has had close relationships with Lyndon B. Johnson and Bill Clinton, but he is still very close to the powerful Bush family. Just two days before the 2000 presidential election, Graham spoke at a prayer breakfast in Florida with George W. Bush in attendance and stopped short of formally endorsing him.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association offers the following statement with regard to his politics: "It is true that many, many years ago Mr. Graham registered as a Democrat. However, throughout the years he has voted for the candidate he believes will do the best job. In other words, he has not voted a straight party ticket. Mr. Graham takes his responsibility to vote for the leaders of our country with the same prayerful seriousness that he takes other significant decisions.

This seems to be a very balanced position, especially by not voting along strict party lines but rather for the candidate who is the most appropriate. Definately, a position, and a man, that can be respected.

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In the haydays of Jimmy Swaggart, Jim and Tammy Fay Baker, and several other televangelists, Billy Graham was a shining light amongst a sea of self-righteous religious crap that flowed from south of the border at that time. He is a great man who has done alot of good in the world, without resorting to the kind of "make them feel guilty" BS that so many of his so-called contemporaries resorted to.

He is far above any bible thumpers that I've ever seen. If Pat Robertson had half of Billy Graham's credibility and common sense, things might look different in today's White House.

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Actually the Revered Angley was my favourite - heeallll and then he'd push them over. Or yell baaabay into the poor deaf persons ear and pronounce them heeallled!

Sunday mornings in the Res. office was awful quiet at 0600 except for drunks calling. So we'd drag the TV out and watch him. Man not only did he provide entertainment but he kept us awake.

Then we'd watch Jimmy Swaggert and make bets on how long it would take before the tears would flow and the Bible would be waved around.

And yes we did work hard once the drunks had passed out and the non partyiers woke up around 0800.....then the TV got put back in the lunch room.

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Me too but Harper is no Billy Graham even though some would like to say he is!

Perhaps not, but remember something. Many years ago a lady named Thatcher was voted in as PM in Britain for I believe the third time. A year later she was out on her ass because of who....The British voters? No. It was her own party. And someone else was PM. Could happen here. Kim Campbell wasn't elected as PM and neither was Turner. As I said earlier, the Conservatives are full of Bible Thumpers, the definition of which is now on this thread. They are extremely eager to force their social views on the rest of us no matter how unpopular because they know the have the support of God. Purge the party of them and walk the road to a majority government. Something that they will never get otherwise. It's just that simple...at least in my opinion.

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