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Glass and today

Kip Powick

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Got a line check coming up...how about a Sim ride.. icon_question.gif ...hey... you guys in the "fancy cockpit screen" airplanes...you've got it easy !!!!! tongue.gif

Here is a quote from a retired airline pilots bio that I am proofing ....

During the fifties and sixties cockpit discipline was a very different from today’s enlightened Cockpit Resource Management, (CRM), approach The Captain's word was law, right or wrong.

It was also a period during which pilots were expected to have encyclopedic memories. In flight use of approach charts, emergency check lists, and enroute charts was heavily frowned upon and I witnessed more than one excellent “hands and feet” pilot failed, ( and, in those days fired),because he could not remember all the enroute minimum altitudes, communication frequencies, radio range headings, runway headings alternate airport elevations and other information that today’s pilots can access as needed from charts and fancy cockpit screens.

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In flight use of approach charts, emergency check lists, and enroute charts was heavily frowned upon and I witnessed more than one excellent “hands and feet” pilot failed, ( and, in those days fired),because he could not remember all the enroute minimum altitudes, communication frequencies, radio range headings, runway headings alternate airport elevations and other information that today’s pilots can access as needed from charts and fancy cockpit screens.

I once flew with an old schooler like that on cross-Canada missions in a Citation. It was pretty impressive to see him dialing up every navaid and ATC frequency from memory, that is until we came upon a changed ILS frequency he didn't know. I was thankful for up-to-date charts!

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Got a line check coming up...how about a Sim ride.. icon_question.gif ...hey... you guys in the "fancy cockpit screen" airplanes...you've got it easy !!!!! tongue.gif

Here is a quote from a retired airline pilots bio that I am proofing ....

During the fifties and sixties cockpit discipline was a very different from today’s enlightened Cockpit Resource Management, (CRM), approach The Captain's word was law, right or wrong.

It was also a period during which pilots were expected to have encyclopedic memories. In flight use of approach charts, emergency check lists, and enroute charts was heavily frowned upon and I witnessed more than one excellent “hands and feet” pilot failed, ( and, in those days fired),because he could not remember all the enroute minimum altitudes, communication frequencies, radio range headings, runway headings alternate airport elevations and other information that today’s pilots can access as needed from charts and fancy cockpit screens.

And you just need to look at the accident stats from the good 'ol days to see what was wrong with Done-By-Memory/I'm-the Captain-I'm-the-Boss philosophy of flying an airplane.

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