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APIS for ACers

Kip Powick

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As we all know APIS is now required for all flights into Y'all Land. My questions are.......

Having booked through ETS, is it possible to submit the required info through the regular AC Website icon_question.gif

I have tried and can not and the tel call to "Sabrina" over in the other country was a fruitless adventure into linguistic anomalies.

Am I doomed to print out the form...hand fill it in and deliver said form to the AC checkin agent..... without being able to use my magical voodoo machine this evening icon_question.gif

Beware..be afraid...be very afraid...I am going flying tomorrow !!!

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12 hours prior to departure 'check-in' via the website and you can fill it in there.

I just did the advance APIS on the ac.com site for a revenue ticket. I was marveling at how good the explanations, the help screens and the examples were. Then I hit the 'enter' button and the normal AC web incompetence showed up. The examples are wrong and you cannot put a "," into the address field as they show.

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It worked out well. Exactly 12 hours before the flight , when one does a "web checkin" at the ETS site, the APIS form appears and one can fill it in. There is no provision for doing it earlier and there is no "click here" button. It just shows up when you want to get your electronic boarding passes. Very simple to use.

Sure saved a lot of time at YYZ...the lines were 4 to 5 deep infront of all the kiosks. The checkin agent, (we had to drop one bag), told us that a family of 4 normally takes 20 minutes of their time to fill out the forms.

What would be real cool is if we could bring up a US Customs form on our PC and have it printed and filled in before we checked in as well.

From out in NW US...


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.... There is no provision for doing it earlier ....

Apparently the Advance APIS will be coming to the employee sight sometime in the future. It is being worked on was the last word I heard through PionAirs.

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