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Sand Storm, 26 April 2005. Al Asad, IRAQ

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A few years back I used some vacation time to do a short term contract for Zimex in Hassi Messaoud, Algeria, where I had the pleasure of experiencing a sand storm up close and personal, although it wasn't travelling at 60mph it looked exactly like the photos.

As sand storm rolled in and we had just enough time to don goggles and bandanas, then it was a mad rush getting the aircraft tied down and as many plugs in as we could, not something I'd want to do in shorts and a tee shirt again, after the storm blew over, we spent the next few days cleaning sand out of everything. sad.gif

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Same thing for myself in Kuwait, sand storm came through signaling the changing of the seasons from winter to spring. Except it lasted for about three days as I recall, I must of coughred up dust for weeks afterwards. Something you only want to experience once. They had the old Herky bird button up pretty good, but dust still gets into every nook and cranny.

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