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Got any Free Time ?

Kip Powick

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I'm sure many of you will be shocked to hear that I am not in the Canadian Aviation Hall of Fame, but as I did have a few moments free, I dropped in, via cyber space, and ended up there for about an hour reading about the pioneers in Canada's aviation business. I actually know some of the fellows so I am sure my Mom would be happy if she knew that I fell in with a good crowd.

It was interesting to note that there are no inductees with their last name starting with E ..I...Q..U...or X..so if you fall into that letter catagory there may be hope for you.

Bored. ???..want to learn abit about those that came before you..???.here ya go..

Canadian Aviation Hall of Fame

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Guest CabinDweller

"It was interesting to note that there are no inductees with their last name starting with E ..I...Q..U...or X...."

OK... I'll bite?

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"It was interesting to note that there are no inductees with their last name starting with E ..I...Q..U...or X...."

OK... I'll bite?

Sorry... your name doesn't start with any of those letters CD. tongue.gif Although I am surprised that the letter E is included in that list.

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Guest CabinDweller

I have indeed been called a number of things starting with each of those letters cc.

BTW, getting a "failed to send' re e-mail attempts (your challenge).

No worries.

I'll be off site/off line (unavailable) until Fri or if the exercise goes to hell, next Monday... or later...


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Sorry, Kip. Visited your link and found...more links. Including www.navcanada.ca .

Maybe should be called Aviation Hall of In-Fame?

They don't have a search function or any unique features to qualify it as a really good place to visit.

I'm probably missing something...

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Sorry, Kip. Visited your link and found...more links. Including www.navcanada.ca .

Maybe should be called Aviation Hall of In-Fame?

They don't have a search function or any unique features to qualify it as a really good place to visit.

I'm probably missing something...

Sorry.... don't agree with your comments. There are some pretty special people in the "Members Profiles and Portraits".

Perhaps you missed it?? It is at the bottom of the "intro.htm " page. Certainly the mini bio isn't as good as some of the entire bios I have read but there are some pretty interesting people there.

I don't think a "search function" is a prerequisite to call any website "good". Take some time and look around...you could end up there wink.gif

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Great link....Tx Kip!

Could not help myself to see that their is only a few French Canadian.( And we all know why...). But one of them, Romeo Vachon, what a pilot.

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Great link....Tx Kip!

Could not help myself to see that their is only a few French Canadian.( And we all know why...).

Call me ignorant, but I'm afraid I don't know why. Can you elaborate?

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Really, J.O. , the only thing i wanted to bring up was that back then pilots were mostly from English Canada ( Air Force, Trans-canada airline/Air Canada, CPair, Wardair,EPA and so on...). I though that was common knowledge. But that was then.Things have changed. (To some extend)

Psst,hey J.O. what type of aircraft do you fly???


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Thanks dmb. I just wanted to be sure that you weren't suggesting that the Hall of Fame might have slighted someone who pioneered in aviation simply because they were French. It is rather odd that there aren't more Francophones mentioned from the pioneering days of aviation in Canada. There was just as much need for aviation in the remote regions of Quebec as there was in the rest of Canada. I suppose it was pretty much an "English" industry back then.


P.S. I fly the A319/A320

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