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Looks Like YZ Island Bridge is Out

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Just got back from VCE late last night (in the middle of that weather!), so my weekend just started. The quote gave me a chuckle, I just wish I could have found a definition for fluukus. Maybe you can make one up in your spare time between dives. biggrin.gif

As to the point of your original posting, it's interesting to see Martin and his clan squirming in public.


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Guest eastcoast

Re the Bridge to YTZ. It will be interesting to see how Mr. Miller reacts to the probability that the taxpayers in his fair city will be on the hook all alone for any costs of lawsuits pending. Isnt it amazing that such a letter is made public the same day that an election is called?? Part of me is thankful that my taxes will not be used for legal lawsuits, and another part of me is thankful that l am not a taxpayer in Toronto

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When Miller promised to kill the bridge, he said the city wouldn't be on the hook for penalties or liabilities. The city council voted to kill the bridge with that belief in place.

Martin is saying they can kill the bridge but Miller is on his own when he gets the bridge shoved up his ass in court.

It is also open and shut tortuous interference, there is really no serious defense.

Tortuous interference is when a party does something that inflicts damage to two parties entered in a contract. The Port Authority and it's contractors or Regco and Bombardier for example.

Bombardier and the Construction contractors can (and will) go after Miller, plus the Port Authority will sue the city, Regco will sue the city. A bunch of companies on the island already will sue the city.

What is Miller going to do? Smash a beer can with his forehead in the witness box?

It might cost half a billion dollars, but his beloved apocalyptic **bleep** on the water will be safe from the scourge of Q400's.

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Interesting, one report says Miller is happy with the proposal, but according to Layton, they are demanding the federal government assume all costs associated with killing the bridge. Which is out of the question.

By the time this winds through the courts Toronto will be bankrupt and everyone will have a personal hyper-sonic hover car.

I really doubt there will be any resolution before the election,

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The deal is dead,

Miller is refusing mediation over the financial issues, the government won't kill the bridge without an agreement in place that absolves the feds of financial liability.

Quote: "we don't need a mediator about the bridge, we need a signature and we need it now."

Hopefully once construction begins it will be impossible to stop.

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This really is a nail in the Jazz coffin. Good for you to find this and post it.

Air Canada will now be able to compete on price and service out of YYZ against Jetsgo and Westjet. Whereas, before, Air Canada reaped handsome profits on the low-cost (but highly profitable) flights out of YTZ, which Air Canada's subsidiary, Jazz, monopolized.

History might prove destroying the bridge at the Island was very unfortunate (unprofitable) for Air Canada.

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You really should study up on how to use sarcasm...very..very weak. Perhaps you should take a break from attempting to be witty and have a cool one....unless a few too many cool ones have preceded your literary attempts. unsure.gif

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Perhaps I will endeavour to study sarcasm to meet "the" standard.

No cool ones here. You?

No offence intended in the event any were taken.

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