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Employee behaviour in the terminals

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Guest coke


Don't try to tell me just because i put on a green uniform in the morning I am less deserving than anyone else of fair treatment. What makes his ("we are standing in the line guy") comments any more rude than someone trying to pretend they dont know there is a line up? Lets face it, we have all seen them...esp. business men that think they deserve to get coffee first at timmys because they are an elite member. The green uniform has turned into a yellow star of sorts. Should I also not say anything to the person who pushes in front on me at the grocery store because she might recognize me from checking her in etc. and because she flew Air Canada, I owe her. When I am on company time, I agree, we should go out of our way to help customers, but there is a limit. In uniform or out, NO ONE, AND I REPEAT NO ONE has a right to treat me with any less respect than anyone else because i happen to be saddled with a green jacket. Like on poster said: IF THEY HAVE TIME TO STOP AT TIMS FOR COFFEE THEY HAVE TIME TO STAND IN LINE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.

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NO ONE, AND I REPEAT NO ONE has a right to treat me with any less respect than anyone else because i happen to be saddled with a green jacket.

I don't think anyone here suggested that you are not deserving of respect. However, do you not think that you should treat someone else with respect? If they disrespect you is that an automatic call to throw down and disregard common courtesy?

I would think that it would reflect much better on your "Green Jacket" if you killed them with kindness, no?

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The green uniform has turned into a yellow star of sorts.

Care to elaborate on what you mean by that? If you are implying that your green jacket is somehow marking you like the Jews were marked with a yellow star than you have serious mental issues and probably should not be in any position that deals with the public.

If I have misinterpreted what you meant I apologize and will edit my post accordingly.

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But then what were the AC employees doing there?

The reasoning is simple, GTAA will not allow Tim's at the new terminal, only Starbucks, why should any one be forced to pay over $2 for a coffee that can be purchased for less than a buck at Horton's which is only at T3 blink.gif

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On a much more serious note there was a recent incident at the Tim Hortons line up at the YYC terminal. One of our white hat greeters lost control of her (yes a female driver, before anyone else points that out) cart and ran into one of the poles that holds the straps for organized line up for coffee. They went down like dominos (the poles that is). Thank goodness no one was hurt but she could have used Mitch's help as she was unable to get the cart in reverse!

(no disrespect to our white hatters!) ohmy.gif

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Guest coke

Care to elaborate on what you mean by that? If you are implying that your green jacket is somehow marking you like the Jews were marked with a yellow star than you have serious mental issues and probably should not be in any position that deals with the public.

If I have misinterpreted what you meant I apologize and will edit my post accordingly.


That doesnt even deserve a response!!!!! but here goes. I am in NO WAY a racist, so dont try to go there mad.gif If that is all you took away from that post, you need to re-read it and give me a break. If others find that it is offensive i will remove it, i do however find you to be a little over-reactive!! If it is removed it is not to appease you!! I would only remove it if someone else is offened by it or find it in bad taste It was in no way meant to even suggest that I would ever, i repeat ever, have anything bad to say about Jews or the way they were treated and CONTINUE to be treated IN CANADA and around the world......what i think is disgusting, is that you would even try to start something like that here with one little innocent comment. The comparison was between clothing items and being treated differently because of them. ....THATS ALL nothing more.....so cut me some slack!!!!GGGGGGEEEEEEEZZZZZZZ mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

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Guest JulietRomeo

Green Jacket, Leather coat, WJ lanyard or Jetsgo Faces...all of us are scrutinized of public opinion!! Unfortunately we are all employed in an industry based on pure competition. I have walked into Safeway vs Co-op here in Calgary and trust me I know where I am more appreciated. When you put on a uniform in which you are employed as an airline employee, you are dealing with safety and representing companies relying on you to bring in the consumer, because we all have to realize there are a lot of choices and I for one am thankful of those people that choose the one I work for.

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This probably sounds like an echo but.......


Your initial post has nothing about any AC emplyee being rude to the customers, (the employee who mentioned that the "line was over here") so I really don't see how anyone could take offence at what transpired. Nor can I see that any customers would look at the AC employees with distain...why the hell should they??? The employees are paying customers as well.

To take a step further, if you were in line, an AC flight was cancelled ,and 75 AC passsengers wandered over to Tims and sorta bunched up infront of you, to the left or to the right,.... would you move out of the way for those that need a java fix just because you were in uniform....or would you advise them that the "line is over here"???

On the other hand , if what transpired, and you did not say that it did, was that one of the AC types in uniform was being a bit of a dork...OK... I can see where you could be embarassed standing there in uniform and I would applaud you for trying to heal the "wounds".

Uniform or not...you have just as much right to stand there as anyone else and if some person cuts in line...say something....tactfully...

Mini Rant Over....Mumble dry.gif ...grump sad.gif ...moan... blink.gif sigh... huh.gif hmmmmm

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Mumble  ...grump  ...moan...  sigh...  hmmmmm

Kip, you sound like you need a Tums or sumthin'? [chuckle, snicker... tee hee hee]

...Well it wasn't what I'd call rude I don't suppose, but I think it was gruff. Sharp even, and it embarrassed the lady... The line was jumbled and I don't think she had much chance of knowing there was a single line for both registers.

Much rumbling over a small event, to be sure... The thing is, if you read the comments by "Coke" above, you'll see exactly what the target was for my bringing it up. That person (Coke) seems to be dripping with attitude... the kind of attitude that really doesn't reflect well on anyone who wears that same uniform. (I could be wrong of course, but that's how I read "NO ONE has a right to treat me with any less respect than anyone else because i happen to be saddled with a green jacket.")

Respect is something we need to earn. We've burned our good will... our free pass to respect is gone... People have had all sorts of reasons to lose respect for AC and it's employees. We may even work for the least respected company in the country... Now, we have to work hard at earning it back. I don't think we can do so with attitudes such as that which "Coke" seems to exude. Arrogance and/or expectations of respect either because of, or in spite of our "green jacket" won't cut it.

When stuff goes wrong for us, we're under the magnifying glass instantly. The computer glitch the other day... the biggest complaint (according to a report I saw) was the lack of information given to all those waiting... Why? Was that "green jacket's" who were too busy demanding respect that they couldn't step off their pulpits and join the masses of peons long enough to apologize and explain?

The example at the top of this thread is not the same as being in a grocery store at all... you're at work, in your uniform, the one people love to hate, in the way of people for whom the whole place exists to accommodate. If that can happen nicely, fine... but if any conflicts should happen to come up, I believe the advantage should be politely given to the passengers. Embarrassing them surely isn't the right thing to do. Employees of any stripe have no business "demanding" respect from customers, but that's particularly poignant for AC employees at the moment. We need to learn some humility.

In my mind, the paying passengers should always get the benefit of the doubt... My gut tells me that kind of attitude will get us out of this mess much better than the "NO ONE has a right...[etc]." sort of attitude.

In the example you gave Kip, yep, I'd step aside. The last thing they'd need then would be any more reason to be mad at AC.

Now... out of uniform... everything changes. tongue.gif While in uniform however ... every little move we make that can be observed by anyone is a move made by an Air Canada Employee, and we'd better be making all the right moves!

There, I've said my piece... it may all soon account for diddley-doo-dah anyway...? sad.gif

Cheers mate...


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Guest coke

I think there is a bit of misunderstanding here. I am just saying that I would not be rude to the person who butted in on the line up, but would point it out for sure. I take enough heat and suck it up while I am on duty. I am not going to take it as a paying customer at another location, and stand their like an idiot and let everyone pass me in the line because I want people to like me. I agree there is no reason to be rude or embarass someone, but if they bud in line, they should have been politely told that there was a line.

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I think that employees, regardless of who we might work for, putting on our respective uniforms in the morning equates to putting on a bull's eye to many of the travelling public. Having an AC/WJ/Jetsgo logo on it just gives them a name to mutter as they take aim wacko.gif

We must be very conscientious of the fact that we ARE in a service industry, and therefore should remember who is paying our bills. Taking the high road, whether we're to blame or not could be the difference in whether that person travels with us or not the next time.

Of course, just my opinion ph34r.gif

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I believe you've hit the bullseye. [thumbs up]


Whether or not you're at your own post... regardless of where you are on airport property... as long as you wear that uniform, you're not just an individual in the mind of the observer, you're an employee of that airline who's uniform you're wearing. It's not about wanting people to like you. It's about the perceptions of the travelling public.

Surely you'd agree that public perceptions of Air Canada employees could be improved? As others have said, even the smallest of gestures can sometimes make a lot of difference. It's my belief that we need to look at every little detail of how we're perceived, and go out of our way to make small, and even even large gestures to improve our image. (unless this soon all becomes moot)

The restructuring of our debt, and so on, won't be enough to stem the tide of the masses of travellers moving to other carriers... It's not all about cost, especially as costs become so similar. We've become the butt of jokes in this country about mistreatment... witness WJ's latest TV commercials. Straight to my point.

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Guest Dash-Eight

Coke blink.gif

You need to pull that post referring to jews. That is in very bad taste(ime not jewish). You made a good point without this nasty referral!

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