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A Valid Point ?

Kip Powick

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Perhaps..just perhaps, some should read and consider this statement, (from the Globe and Mail)

QUOTE"There is an absolutely immense amount at stake here," he added, "and I think the IAM has concluded that Trinity is not such a bad thing and that making them go away would be disastrous, because the next party that comes along likely will be much more demanding than Victor Li."

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Valid point indeed Kip, that is if AC has enough time ahead for another party to come forward IF and when TTI walks.

(my understanding is that time is really running out now)

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My big concern is Gecas losing patience with this whole protracted process,watching labour with an unseemingly casual attitude to the demise of the company and thousands of their members.Did they not provide us with DIP financing and if they take their toys/aircraft and go home,how will we finance the day to day operation of the company? Or do we still have money in the bank to burn through.Some people think there will be more investors knocking on the door.I do not share their optimism!!

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I don't think GECAS is losing patience, they've already lost it. On April 15 uncle Vic is in or out, and if he's out, that's it GECAS waves goodbye too. Time remaining for AC if people don't start believing that it will actually shut down: two to four weeks.

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