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Unfortunate walk-around

Kip Powick

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Not to be a smartazz but....

Look at the third pic.......clear blue day, try working on the ramp when the the rain and snow are pelting you in the face .

Also how fast was the guys doing his walk(run) around to have to bury a static wic 3 inches into his head.

But on a lighter side nice to see that his comrades in arms are the caring types as shown but them rushing in to console this poor guy in the 3rd pic.



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Your right,but try to convince the majority of the people on this site who think that working on the ramp consist's of smashing a few bags,dragging your feet to the next gate and 2 hour coffee breaks.But ,hey i don't know how to drive a bus,but everybody else seems to know what my day is like.Oh well,the more things change the more they stay the same.Keep safe you all.

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Easier done than said... I once saw a passenger get seriously injured on the trailing edge of a poorly parked airplane's wing. How - while walking at a quick pace they looked back for half a second when someone called them. It was quite disturbing to see.

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