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Says this CEO

Kip Powick

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As reported in the Air Line Pilots Magazine…………….. a quote from CEO Michael O’Leary of Ryanair…..

“I don’t give a **** if nobody likes me. I am not a cloud bunny, I am not an aerosexual, I don’t like airplanes. I never wanted to be a pilot like those other platoons of goons who populate the air industry. They started off as wee idiots who got big ****** looking at the planes in the sky. I’m not like that. Most chief executives got into this business because they want to travel for a living. Not me. I want to work “

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yeah, he makes Frank Lorenzo look like Alan Alda, atleast in terms of personality.

When a business magazine rated RyanAir poorly for business travel, citing their use of obscure airports, he lashed out saying they were stupid, although he employeed more colourful language.

It was also real classy of him to give the angel on his tails a boob job.

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Another interview with O'Leary regarding the recent EU decision against Charleroi airport. I'd love to see the unedited version...

Some quotes :)

"It's only in communist Europe where the commission can't even run its own bloody budget would they dream of telling ordinary people to pay higher fares so we can have some mythical level playing field."

"The EC's decision is applying the economics of North Korea."

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Another interview with O'Leary regarding the recent EU decision against Charleroi airport. I'd love to see the unedited version...

Some quotes :)

"It's only in communist Europe where the commission can't even run its own bloody budget would they dream of telling ordinary people to pay higher fares so we can have some mythical level playing field."

"The EC's decision is applying the economics of North Korea."


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