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Only in the USA

Kip Powick

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Just to clarify, you're saying that officials who have authority and at least some control over the security of the American public should not be held liable or accountable for events like 9/11? Or am I misinterpreting your statement? Just curious; could be an interesting discussion :)

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Meanwhile, why do we need another 9/11 when we have the media to instill fear in the public:


...complete with apparent safety "experts" baffled by anything that doesn't smack them in the face:

"You would think there are a lot of softer targets out there that wouldn't take as much work," said Douglas Laird, a former Northwest Airlines security chief who now advises clients on aviation security. "What baffles me is I just don't know what they (al-Qaida) would do to make it happen now."

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Guest bianchiboy

If not the participants, how about the people that knew it was going to happen and did nothing, for various reasons, not the least of which is to bolster their political power and provide an excuse for absurd foreign and domestic policies....


Inform yourself, you'll be surprised at what the mainstream media chooses to not report. You would think the chair of the 9/11 commission saying something smells would be the lead of every newscast in North America. It's criminal the way the Bush Administration and its lapdog media outlets are deliberately misinforming and misleading the public (throuh what they report and more importantly DON'T report).

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Like you said, it makes for an interesting discussion and what I meant/mean to say is that in general, Americans are "sue happy".

You will never know, I will never know, and the general public will never know, who knew what. It is not black and white, it never will be. Cripes they can't even agree how many shots were fired at Kennedy so how are they ever going to get to the bottom of 9/11 ??

It is very easy to take one side or the other, or even remain indifferent, but there are no concrete foundations for any of the allegations about who knew what. It was a tradgedy, an unimaginable horror but I think the legal profession loves this crap and will go to any lengths to be at the head of the line with their hand in the victims pocket.

If and when it is ever figured out, how much do you think the victims will receive after the vultures take their share, and at what stage of their life will the recipients be???

Hey...just my opinion, (again), and have a nice Holiday Season :)

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Interesting story...

Re the first para of the story, "The United States has credible information, including some that prompted this week's rise in the national terror threat level, that al-Qaida continues to study potential weaknesses in America's revamped aviation security net looking for ways to strike again through the air, U.S. officials familiar with recent intelligence say."

That's news?

Sheesh. Firm grip of the obvious, I'd say. Could we expect anything different? From 9/12 on?

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1) The US had credible information before 9/11 but didn't do anything about it.

2) The US had "credible" information about WMDs in Iraq; evidence Powell presented to the UN.

3) Bush continually warns the public with blanket warnings, based on such "credible" information.

Rubbish I tells ya :D

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BTW, did y'all here about the department that the US government set up to experiment with public markets (a la www.tradesports.com) to help with intelligence gathering? I guess the US was implying that its own intelligence resources are so poor that they would have to rely on you and I Joe Public to determine when/what/who/how the next attack would be. It was canned a short while ago amid accusations from several politicians that it was ridiculous...only in the US of A :D

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It's on Friday, December 26th at 4:00 p.m. as well (a little more reasonable than 1am and 4am tonight :))

Looks interesting, gonna try and check it out. Thanks Don.

Happy Holidays everyone! (B)(b)

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The program is worth watching. Like the film, "The Trial of Henry Kissinger" based upon the book by Christopher Hitchens, (and other films about Panama and US policy, etc), this program is politically incorrect as it challenges the popular and simplistic notions about the causes of 9/11. It almost certainly could never be broadcast on CNN or even in the US although I suspect many Americans would find the program engaging, especially those suing the US government and Saudi Arabia and who have not accepted, as the story Kip posted the link to, the US government offer to settle. The development of this lawsuit, which, because the stakes are as critical and high anything Washington has had to deal with in terms of dissent, will go on for years and try the most resourceful, but discovery will be the key. Mainstream thought is already asking questions which up until now were asked only by fringe commentators. The evidence simply is too great to ignore and explain away.

The Director of the Joint House/Senate Inquiry Staff Eleanor Hill provides some particularly disturbing information, stating that there is strong evidence that Saudi Arabia supported the 9/11 hijackers and has yet to be pursued by the US. It is stated in the program that the relationship between the US administration and the Saudis goes back a very long way, especially with the Bush family. It is also stated in the program that the relationship with the Bush family and Osama bin Laden's family is also long, going back to before Bush I's Vice Presidency and his Directorship of the CIA.





Director Hill states that such evidence of support and relationship exists.

That is an official US bi-partisan document, 858 pages long, a full chapter of which is blanked out. The program states that that chapter deals with the Saudis. Yet the US invaded Afghanistant (to rout out their creation, the Taliban, (originally a loosely-gathered group of Moujahadeen students and supported in their fight against the Russians after 1989 by the US) and invaded Iraq over what is increasingly manufactured reasons...WMD's, then Democracy, now security. Even mainstream thought is slowly coming to recognize that..a remarkable development in a country which never questions its own actions against other countries.

Like it or not, the program deals with some uncomfortable notions of how 9/11 unfolded and raises the issues discussed earlier in this forum. However, the most poignant moment emerges in a discussion with a parent of a WTC victim...not an emotional mother, but an angry, intelligent and well-informed adult. She says, "An awful lot of the way I look at life is things have to make sense...I may not be knowledgeable in a particular area, but I know when things don't make sense."

Even if one accepts editorializing as a reality in anything that the media broadcasts, watching this program one comes to a point at which the questions about US actions must be confronted or otherwise explained. The program is following dissent and questioning in others, including many in the US populace, rather than leading the way in raising questions about why 9/11 happened.

The program re-broadcasts on the Fifth Estate according to the following schedule:

CBC Newsworld: "Conspiracy Theories"

Tuesday, December 23rd at 5:00 p.m. & 10:00 p.m.

Wednesday, December 24th at 1:00 a.m. & 4:00 a.m.

Friday, December 26th at 4:00 p.m.

Monday, December 28th at 3:00 a.m.

All times are Eastern Standard Time*.

*It says the times are Eastern, but I suspect they're "local". I watched the program last night at 10pm PST on the 23rd, as advertised.

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