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Perfect end to a week of hell...

Mitch Cronin

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I know.... I said I'd never do it again... But I did anyway... (I guess I'm too stupid to say "No!"?)

I was "acting" as team leader this past week, again... another horrible week... starting off with a night where all our honcho's - "everyone below Milton" (according to our manager) came a wandering through to "see what we do"....

I met Rob Reid for the first time... Silly ass me... I begged my manager not to introduce me, as he was introducing others... he wouldn't hear of it. (Damn!)

..."and this is our acting team leader, here in hangars east, Mitch Cronin"...

Rob Reid looks at me with a half grin, that I took to be one of recognition...

I grin back and say, "Yeah, I'm the guy who called you one of Milton's Dogs"

...now he looks puzzled.... Sh!t, he didn't know!!! "Oh crap, you don't remember that, do you?".... "No" sez he.... blink.gif

Oh well, I think I had the upper hand after that... laugh.gif

...anyway... the week continued to get worse, culminating with this past evening where, even after my continued warnings to our "planner" all week, that we'd be severely down on manpower for the last night, he saddled us with six airplanes, including a '67 'A' check...

The perfect end?.... Yup, we got all the bloody things done by morning and I got to toss off the flippin management hat and taxi the 67 to the gate with my "lead".

...sometimes, I wish I smoked cigars. biggrin.gif

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The perfect end?.... Yup, we got all the bloody things done by morning

Excellent work Mr. "never again, no way, not gonna happen, this is the last time, absolutely not, forget it" Cronin. You should remove the suit from your scarecrow and consider the position in a permanent sense. ph34r.gif

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Ahh no way Mikey. The instant I did that, I'd have to bite my tongue for fear of getting fired... Who in management could have the fun I've had over the years and still be around to laugh about it? biggrin.gif

But I will admit, there are fun aspects to the job...

fer instance:

I got a bit of a charge out of telling a guy from MOC to make his own flippin' estimate on one of our birds this morning... he was after me because the "FURAT" (Further information at:") time was up on a bird we were "at risk" with.... He said, "No, we can't just add time to the "FURAT", we have to put a hard time estimate on it now."

I said, "Well, we've just had some hydraulic components torn apart on a bench, they're just now putting head pressure back on, and are about to test it... if it passes and it fixed the snag, we're good to go, but if it fails, or doesn't fix the snag, we'll be in for Who Knows how much more trouble shooting... you tell me what "estimate" you'd put on that? .... so he put some time of his own making on it. biggrin.gif (it turned out the component change did fix the snag and his "estimate" was 2 hours too generous tongue.gif )

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Mitch, don't worry about Reid, those guys don't dare come into flight planning for fear of the lashing most of them would get. mad.gif I cornered RG one day in Arizona's and started to lay into him with all sort of questions, all of which he tried to side step with his political double talk. I kept telling him he hadn't anwsered the question, and started to point out his half truths and outright lies, by now we had a pretty good audience of pilots. Thats when some of the old boys stepped in and started to make me look like amateur, it was a thing to behold. laugh.gif

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This sounds just like you Mitch!!! Where's your cigar? tongue.gif

Joe Patroni: Hold on, we're goin' for broke!

Joe Patroni: I'll be back in time if I have to pull that plane out with my teeth!

Joe Patroni: Let us put it this way: You promised me a box of cigars if I pull this off, right? Well, what're you standing here for? Go get 'em!

Mel Bakersfeld: Don't talk to me about consequences! When Congress voted to cut airport appropriations, you never even sent in a letter of protest. And where were you when the airlines and the pilots and the rest of us were... were pleading for... for more airports and better traffic control? You were picking out the colors in the ladies' lounge. So now you've got your consequences!

Joe Patroni: Hold the whipped cream; I just had dessert.

Mel Bakersfeld: They're having a conference now to decide what to do. But I need somebody who knows. A genius. Like Patroni.

Assistant: The instruction book said that was impossible!

Joe Patroni: That's one nice thing about the 707. She can do everything but read.

Marcus Rathbone: What's more, the captain deliberately struck me across the face!

Cy Jordan: Unless you shut up, the second officer's going to do exactly the same thing.

Captain Anson Harris: Remind me to send a thank you note to Mr. Boeing.

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Hmmmm?... I wonder if that's why any time I've been out taxiing on a runway with Mikey he's got his hands over the fuel shut off levers, threatening to shut 'em down if I should even get a twinkle in my eye? laugh.gif ... you don't suppose he thinks..... unsure.gif ....?

Naaaawwww. tongue.gif

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