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Posts posted by J.O.

  1. 8 hours ago, GDR said:

    I don't have a list but it wouldn't surprise me if they were to hire a direct entry capt. on the A220 or possibly the A320.

    I don't know if the same mindset still exists today but I remember when the Fredericton accident led to a decision there would never be DECs at Air Canada again.

  2. Airlines and pilot unions had best put their heads together and find solutions to the lack of interest or the drive to innovating pilots (at least one of them) out of the cockpit will come fast and furious. The challenge will be the lifestyle expectations of the young generation of available workers. We may not like the fact that they want more work life balance in their younger years than we were willing to accept, but when it's a seller's market, the buyer has to innovate if they want to play.

  3. On 5/31/2022 at 6:47 PM, Rich Pulman said:

    Many years ago we had to tanker into LHR as they had a fuel shortage due to a fuel-farm fire. I’ve logged a few hours in the LAM hold trying to get down to MLW. ATC wouldn’t let us jettison fuel, so we had to burn it instead.

    Kind of defeats the purpose of tankering, not to mention calling into question the airline's flight planning software. 🧐

  4. “Darker Shades of Blue: The Rogue Pilot” is an excellent read. The author is Tony Kern and he was a colleague and friend of Bud Holland who was the aircraft commander in the B52. He was commissioned by USAF to review the accident and was shocked to learn what his friend had been up to and how the command structure had known about it and condoned it (and even laughed about it) for years.

  5. 18 hours ago, Moon The Loon said:

    Yabut, isn't that the American way? They really seem to embrace their rule breakers/gangsters/oddballs/Trump supporters...


    That's more of a Red Bull corporate culture thing. Crazy stunts are kind of what they do.

  6. On 5/23/2022 at 5:46 AM, AAS said:

    What’s the price at a marina? 
    I haven’t been up to the cottage yet. 

    Some marinas in BC are charging over $2.50 per litre for marine diesel. My neighbours just cancelled their planned trip around Vancouver Island in their cruiser.

  7. Large petroleum consumers like the airlines, rail and shipping don't get the wild price swings we commoners do because they won't stand for it and their buying power gives them the clout to cut it off. Our current pump price increases aren't fully explained by the world oil price increases and carbon taxes. The last time world oil prices were at the current level (pre-COVID), we were paying about 25% less. IMO, the current consumer price is nothing more than the industry trying to claw back what the believe they lost when demand tanked in 2020.

  8. 18% interest is what you have to pay when your business lacks the solid footing that comes with a proven revenue stream and solid customer base.

    Now when you see such rates used to finance a corporate takeover, you're probably dealing with a corporate raider who's only looking to maximize short term earnings and couldn't care less if it bankrupts the host.

  9. 3 hours ago, Seeker said:

    To all airline executives out there - please stop buying the 737!  Stop buying something that is substandard and they will be forced to produce something better (like they should have done 20 years ago).

    It’s all in the numbers. Most airline bean counters don’t give a flying fadoo about the pilots’ preferences.

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