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Posts posted by J.O.

  1. The Phil Valentine story is filed under "be careful what you wish for". If people would leave science and medicine to the experts, we'd be much better off. I'm pretty sure no one on this forum would hop in the back of an airplane flown by a circus clown, or hire their favourite barista to defend them in a lawsuit.

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  2. I'm double vaccinated and I believe mass vaccination is our best path back to normal, so I would like to see as many people as possible be vaccinated. I also have no problem with those who choose differently, provided that choice is for objective medical / scientific reasons. Unfortunately, there seems to be about one of those for every ten that have made that choice because of a misinformation campaign that's created a level of anarchy the likes of which Lex Luthor would be proud.

    Here in BC yesterday, there were protests against vaccine passports and mandates. These protests were organized through social media and they were held in front of most every hospital in the province. When I say organized, it was only in terms of timing and location. The messaging was a PR disaster. Many of the protest groups included people who hurled obscenities and racist barbs at medical staff as they came and went from their workplace. Any hopes of garnering sympathy for their cause was lost, not only because of the taunting, but because they chose places where thousands of front line workers have risked their own health and safety to help COVID patients survive and to keep the dying ones comfortable. The medical staff have paid a horrible price both physically and emotionally for over 18 months. These protestors chose to pile on against people who've had no more of a hand in shaping public policy decisions than my neighbour's pet Airedale. The response today from the majority in the community has been the polar opposite of sympathetic. Many people are now saying the protestors can go jump in a lake should they ever get sick in the future - for any reason. 

    What's that old saying about catching flies with honey instead of vinegar? 

  3. If CAA hasn't advised all of their members of a new policy on vaccination, then that should never have happened. I'm a member of BCAA and there's been no such notification here. 

    In any case, call me crazy but I don't understand why anyone would answer "no" to a CAA dispatcher asking the question. It's not like they have any means to verify whether or not it's true.

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  4. Federal and provincial health and safety regulations already require employers to have policies and programs to protect workers from employment-related injuries and illness. There is plenty of evidence that COVID-19 has been spread in Canadian workplaces, therefore it is not a huge stretch to say that in order to comply with the existing legislation, an employer can require vaccinations as part of their OH&S compliance program.

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  5. Believe it or not that kind of predatory financing does occur in the industry. Unfortunately it’s sometimes part of a corporate raiding scheme to suck as much money out of the company as possible - potentially leading to said company’s ultimate demise. Reading through the bankruptcy filings for one of my former employers made for interesting reading. It was a classic corporate raid. The buyer had no intention of owning an airline. His only goal was maximizing his own profits by “loaning” his own money to his company at similarly usurious rates. The day he bought the airline was the day it’s fate was sealed. I hope for the sake of everyone at Flair that this isn’t a similar situation.

  6. On 6/29/2021 at 10:56 AM, J.O. said:

    Another tragic accident in firefighting. Condolences to the helo pilot's family, friends and colleagues.


    Well this sucks. An emergency AD has been issued because the helicopter had a main rotor separation due to a failed pin in the rotor hub.

    "During investigation of a recent Bell 212 helicopter fatal accident in Canada, it has been discovered that one of the outboard main rotor hub strap pin, part number (P/N) 204-012-104-005 with a serial number prefix “FNFS”, sheared off during flight, leading to detachment of the main rotor blade and the main rotor head. It has been reported that the failed main rotor hub strap pin had only accumulated 20 hours of service. 


  7. 1 hour ago, A330PilotCanada said:

    Good Morning J.O:

    I hope this is not as "simple" as the O ring problem Eastern had many years on the L-1011 in MIA..


    I had forgotten about that one. I honestly can’t recall any dual engine failures that were happenstance - an intervening event or issue has always been involved in creating commonality.

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  8. Bob Hoover’s airplane was a Shrike Commander with piston engines and jet fuel had been added - a common problem as there are so few Shrikes compared to the Turbo. IAC, Turbine engines will run on AVGAS but I’d be shocked if someone put it into a B737. A 737 is normally refuelled using a pressure fuelling system and there are very few AVGAS trucks that have pressure fuelling.

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