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Posts posted by J.O.

  1. 7 minutes ago, Kip Powick said:

    Seriously, was there ever ay discussion about drive through deicing .? .

    They tried a drive-through gantry system in Munich many years ago but they abandoned it in favour of a deciding pad. IIRC, an aircraft sustained significant damage when the gantry malfunctioned and struck the tail as they taxied away.

  2. Well done Rich! That's even better than a filter-based system, especially if you're using aviation paint that contains isocyanates or any product that contains chromium (aviation has several of them). No one can tell you how long a filter cartridge provides protection against that stuff. Forced air respiration eliminates that concern.

  3. For those who live in newer townhomes, one side note on turning off the water supply while away. These buildings are usually equipped with sprinkler systems. Our neighbours have been away for a month and my wife has been keeping an eye on their place. The other day she wanted to water some plants but found the water was off. She asked me to come turn it on. I assumed they would have turned off the valve that is downstream from the sprinkler feed line, but I arrived to find the main valve (the one with the big red tag saying "DO NOT CLOSE THIS VALVE") was closed. I corrected it and sent them an email to let them know why. They were embarrassed and said they didn't notice the shutoff valve they should have used, which still doesn't explain why they thought it was no problem to deactivate their sprinklers.

  4. On 3/5/2022 at 2:39 AM, Super 80 said:

    I'm very sorry, I didn't think I was being unclear. I am not referring to common employer issues or suggesting an Independence Air type strategy where I believe five people kept their jobs when Compass was established.

    The only thought I was trying to convey subsequently was that Sunwing's seasonality potentially limits the size and relative maturity of the workforce.

    Okay, now I see what you're getting at. I haven't seen a seniority list but there will be a fair number of Sunwing folks with more than 10 years seniority. I don't have a dog in the fight and I hope the integration isn't another bloodbath, but I'm probably going to be disappointed.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Super 80 said:

    I referred to seasonality in an employment context.

    That aspect has nothing to do with common employer. Their own flight crew compliment has essentially been a steady state, supplemented with foreign pilots for the winter peak.

  6. 5 hours ago, st27 said:

    Not sure if the photo was meant for widespread publicity, but you think the chief pilot and captain would have worn something more professional than old jeans and track shoes. It must have made a good impression when they picked up the airplane from the Mro in Ireland.

    Times are changing I guess.

    Those "changes" were over 20 years ago. The same approach didn't hurt Westjet. 

    • Confused 1
  7. Another taker would probably be a new entrant. New entrants aren't big fans of taking on a "mature" workforce in terms of pay scale. Any attempt to take the AOC without the people would land you in "common employer" trouble.

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