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Posts posted by J.O.

  1. I prefer to engage the topic as I do flight safety work, on the basis of "what not who" and disengage if it becomes a personal matter in which feelings may be trod upon.

    That is an excellent reminder, Don. I count myself among the folks who need it once in a while. About 5 times a day on average, some postings on this forum should be removed and replaced with the words, "Challenge the message, stop attacking the messenger!"


  2. J.O. my reference to hypocrisy was about Gore, hope you didn't think it was referring to you. If that is what you thought, my apologies for not making it more clear.

    And yes, I agree with your point about weaning us from our dependancy on oil.

    Anyone take note of our new tourist attraction on Grouse Mountain?

    Wind Turbine

    Oops, sorry Gatekeeper! Lesson learned, never respond with a bad headache!

    As for the tourist attraction, I guess that since I don't live in a place where putting one of those up would be worthwhile, I shouldn't judge those who don't want them in their area. But sooner or later we're all going to have to make some sacrifices as we move from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. When you fly across many places in Europe, there are many areas where the tops of the high ground are lined with wind generators, not to mention the wind farms that are being built in the shallow waters of the English Channel and the Irish Sea. I heard recently that the UK intends to have 10% of their electrcity supplied by wind turbines by 2016.

  3. Irrelevant as usual.

    J.O....nothing about Gore?

    Rather hypocritical don't you think?

    Relax man! Was I criticizing Bush? I don't think I was. It was just a comment. I was wondering what the old boys in the Houston petroleum club would think? If someone whose bed was made in the oil business owns an "off the grid" home, should that not be a hint to the rest of us that it's seriously time to break our addiction with oil? As for Gore, the stats on his home and his consumption habits speak for themselves, IMHO.

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