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GTAA fees

Guest The Velvet Fog

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Guest The Velvet Fog

The GTAA is rumoured to be planning a minimum 25% fee hike for next year. This should improve service tremendously as no one will be flying here. YYZ, now the only construction site with a airport, but now, no planes.

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I am curious, do any of the GTAA officals come from an aviation background or any business background for that matter?

Are they working under the impression that if they turn Pearson into a shopping mall they won't need airplanes anymore?

I said it just a few days ago, but I am going to say it again, maybe Mirabel isn't so dead after all, because if the GTAA keeps it up with this &%$@! Dorval is going to be swamped.

The privatization of the airport system and NavCan is the single stupidest thing that the liberal government has done.

I would imagine if they keep it up, in a few years people going to Toronto are going to be landing by parachute.

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The GTAA will ultimately go the way of CCAA. The airlines should help it along. If a few domestic and foreign airlines pull out, it may well happen. AC has already talked about moving some services to Hamilton and to Montreal (for intercon departures). AC has a very good setup in Montreal, with intercon flights departing from domestic gates. Instead of two Frankfurt departures from Toronto (plus the codeshared LH), they could have two FRA departures from Montreal. Then they could charge the Toronto departure at a premium rate. I'd happily take Rapidair down to Montreal for a cheaper flight to Frankfurt. Hourly to Montreal with a international departure from a domestic gate at Pierre Trudeau is as painless a process as you can get.

When the GTAA files for CCAA, the banks will get it in the arse (good) and the feds will be major embarrassed (very good). After restructuring the debt, fees can be reset at reasonable levels.

Unlike an airline, there is no risk whatsoever that the terminal or runways can be seized. And I don't give a rat's arse who actually owns the airport - some unaccountable organization called GTAA or another unaccountable organization called the CIBC.

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