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Guest q650

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I don't know if they're starting up or not but I notice they're starting a new trend... defining the CAPTAIN as AIRCRAFT MANAGER... good or bad? Why does everything have to be soooo trendy? I do still enjoy my "old" Captain title... How about you?

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Some times aviation is nothing but a dirty industry.

I worked for a company that the chief pilot would put up a bogus advertisement on line looking for pilots just to spot which one of his own staff would apply.

In case of VAL AIR….well, these days it is so easy to setup a cheap website and load it on line to get the rumors going and keep collecting others private history.

So think twice before sending your life and career history to a website that only god knows whom it belongs to.

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This response was posted on AV forums....explains everything doesn't it?



Québec City.

June 30th, 2003.

Dear Applicant.

We thank you for your interest in joining Val Air.

We have received many employment applications from pilots having a Dash 8 endorsement. We invite you to confirm your interest in acquiring this endorsement in the event that your candidacy should be accepted. The amount charged by specialized companies is approximately CA$10,000.00.

Please forward your response to hrvalair@sympatico.ca .

The Human Resources team

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Hi MAX, just to let you know that VAL AIR is owned by Gilles Filliatreaut. Former CEO of Air Alliance and his son Marc is probably the chief..... pilot... so be carefull whit Gilles. He is really good to manage but for the contact with his employees = 0000000000000

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"The amount charged by specialized companies is approximately CA$10,000.00."

Ahh well, in another climate you guys might be looking for signing bonuses... Supply and demand I guess... Sad though, and too bad you're not all united enough to tell them where to shove that "amount charged".

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Guest M. McRae

Mitch, how much do you have invested in your personal tool set that you must have to work as an AME at AC or do they supply all the tools now???

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Hmmm interesting comparison. I couldn't dare work it out, but It possibly approaches that. There's still the difference that if one of us goes elsewhere we bring our tools with us.

No, I don't think it's comparable... Pilots too have their "tools"... brainbags, altitude-a-ruleulators, sunglasses, watches, Mae Wests, headsets, and such... No?


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Guest M. McRae

I was just curious. I imagine you also provide your own watch, sunglasses etc. also. Seems that your profession has always required that you provide / pay for tools in addition to your schooling. Seems that the Pilot profession may be moving that way also. I hope for those in that profession that the evolution does not continue but it was not that long ago the the "lowcost" carriers were a small minority .....

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