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For Harvey Bergen :

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Hello Harvey,

Something you said down below got me thinking... About a year or so ago I came across a notation in a 747 log book from a man who was retiring... He thanked the maintenance staff for years of dependable service. I don't know if it was you or not, but all of us who saw that (there were about 20 of us that night, but no doubt many, many more saw it until the book was pulled), very much appreciated the thought.

In any case, regardless of who it was that wrote that, your comment below, and the story you related, remind me that we who maintain and fly these beasts, share something pretty special. And most of us don't ever acknowledge it. I think that's a shame.

I'll mention your comments to some folks at work who I know will be pleased to hear it.

Anyway, I wish I could tell whoever it was that wrote that note that it meant something to those of us who read it.

And the rest of you guys.... be good to my airplanes! ;)



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Guest Peanuts

My God, ....Harvey Bergen chats on this Forum too ?

Now there is an AC pilot who I have a lot of respect for even though I met him just once on a YVR-YYZ night flight. This was back in 1993 and I have never forgotten how proffesional and fun he was in the flight deck.

I was in the J/S.

Harvey, if you read this I just wanted to let you know that you made a huge impression on your J/S pax. The Alaskan pilot in the other J/S was kinda quiet. (scared maybe ?)

The F/O had some serious issues. Hopefully he has worked those out :) hey, you never know, he might be on this forum and being a real turkey.

If only I could remember his name. Initials may have been ....sps. lol


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Guys - as hard as it is for anyone who knows me to believe it, you are embarrassing the heck out of me. Thanks, all of you for the kind words - it means a lot to a retired pilot. You tend to wonder if anyone remembers.

No, I did not write it - I would have liked to because that is a sentiment I definitely hold. No, I did not know I was having my last flight until 2 days later when I went in for my medical and the Dr pulled my licence - for high blood pressure - and that is enough about me.

It is a real pleasure to see the calibre of messages on this forum - with very few exceptions. Thoughtful exchanges and constructive ideas go a long way to establishing common ground - witness the exchange between Don Hudson and Mitch Cronin. Don I have known for years - and Mitch, it sounds like I would like to know you. This seniority problem - large though it is - will get solved and you will become a cohesive whole. Now with a little constructive leadership from management, Air Canada can come out the other side and become THE airline of Canada.

Sorry, soapbox got in the way of my mouth.

Two things I used to try to get across to management when I was checking was:

-if it wasn't for the line pilots, management would not have a job - therefore, instead of hindering the line pilots, get out of the way and let them do their job and support them as much as possible; and,

-the only purpose of every employee of Air Canada from the person wielding a broom in the cafeteria in Dorval to Robert Milton is to make it possible to put butts in seats. Every employee has a role to play in that objective - because without butts in seats, there is no airline.

Now, people, it is your turn - go for it. You have been given a heavier row to hoe than the average, but then again, you are not average people. Us retired folk have faith that you can handle it.

Enough preaching - I have wanted to say that since I retired.


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Where does one begin upon hearing from an old friend? Boat-building? Sailing? DC9 days? Puzzles? Music? Politics? Philosophy? Family life? I hardly know with a Renaissance gentleman.

But you are absolutely right about the one principle at our airline: bums in seats.

The hope is that the structure which results from this very painful time is equal to that market challenge which is squarely front of us.

The seniority issue ought not to be seen as derailing or influencing this process. The two issues, as I have posted many times, are completely separate and we will come to terms. The issue has become public only because it is a very high-profile, human-interest story with high stakes and powerful interests. That sells papers, but it doesn't solve problems. That is up to us, and we will. I forever regret that our private issues have become public but I am not naive in my understanding of why they have.

All are well Harvey...one out of university, one in third year and one in 12. Still playing piano, sorta and the older and youngest ones are jazz musicians.

How's your gang? It was always great to see P. at VR.

I'm so glad retirement is treating you well...you both deserve it immensely.

I'll show your posts to Fran..she'll love'em.

Kindest regards to all,



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