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D-Day July 1st??

Guest Worried

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Guest Worried

Perhaps someone can clarify this, but I work at an International station and our Union shop steward has just returned from a crucial meeting in YUL. The news is extremely grim with some of the main Union Leaders apparently walking out of the meeting. We have been advised that the next 2 months are critical and unless we all do something, AC is going under come July 1st, following on in the disastrous footsteps of Swissair, Ansett, Sabena and many more.

I simply do not understand why we are being taken to the brink like this and call me naive, and perhaps not fully understanding of the workings of labour laws and Unions in Canada, but it looks like they may just succeed in taking us all down unless we act now. They are playing with many thousands of livelihoods and people seem to forget that the Union Leaders will still have a job at the end of this...whatever the outcome...we most likely will not. I fully believe that employees must cast the Unions aside and all rally together and take matters into our own hands, with a representative from each working group/department liaising/bargaining closely with Management to try to obtain a satisfactory outcome to everyone. Yes, there may be some pain along the way but you know how that saying goes.

We've got to take immediate action.....it may only start off with small groups of employees rallying together, but maybe if the media were to get involved, word would soon spread right across the country to other employees.

Airmail is right, we need to use public vehicles to try to resolve this mess.

The bottom line as I see it is this...we either allow this debacle to carry on as it is, getting nowhere fast, or we try to do something now and stand up and be counted and save this airline. So what if we have to make concessions, we either retain the pretty nice jobs we have now, or the company goes into liquidation and we all lose our jobs and maybe, just maybe if some of us are lucky, may get re-hired by whatever new airline starts up but with rotten new contracts paying a lot less in both salary and benefits.

Just in case you're wondering, I can tell you that as an International station we have voted to freeze wage increase increments which apparently has almost met the cost savings required from us however we fully expect further concessions

As a final thought, I just heard the other day that Swiss, which re-emerged from Swissair, is virtually bankrupt again.

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Guest Dash eight


What concessions do you consider giving up if you don't want to work for the "New" Air canada for less pay and less benefits?

Whens Milton going to take concessions himself and give up his 14 million in salary??

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I think you might want to do a bit of research into Milton's salary there before going public. If we fail, rumours, jealousy, untruths and innuendo will be the primary causes.

Milton has already offered 33% of his substantially-less-than-14million and I am quite sure that this will take place on the same day as all other employees take a pay cut.

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Guest Stone

Whoa there -8. Keep those accuasations in check until you can provide some proof. Milton's salary of $14 million was spun out there by the unions (CUPE specifically) in order to enrage the masses. His actual salary is closer to $1 million.

Looks like you got caught up in the union propaganda.

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Guest Fleet80

Why oh why do people keep quoting these outlandish figures re: Milton's salary. Do you think if it's repeated often enough it will become "true?" Please pick up a copy of the annual report, it is required by law to report the executives' compensation plan. Mr. Milton earned $1,080,000 in 2001, the last proxy available on Sedar (for obvious reasons I think, securities filings for 2002 and first quarter 2003 have been delayed due to our CCAA filing..) With the 10% paycut he took in October 2001, I believe his current salary is approx. $900,000. And please don't start talking about stock options - his options, like my shares, SAU grants and ESOP plans are worth 0! Making wild claims about Milton's compensation will only serve to harden many already misinformed employees' belief that "we're alright jack, it's all those other fat cats that have to take the hit" and we will whistle our way into oblivion.

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Guest Dash eight

Whoah stop the flak already. I forgot the (.) in between 14 it should have read 1.4 million plus loyalty bonuses?

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Guest Dash eight

Wipe the brown off your nose Fleet80 as obviously your a kiss up to milton....

Bring back hollis harris.

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Guest Fleet80

What the #$! are you talking about? I replied to your silly post with facts, as did others, and you talk about brown nosing. With that kind of childish reply I can safely assume now that you are intellectually challenged and I shall try to use simple words that you can understand. Milton is okay boss, no other boss to work for. I like to fly, we work hard, maybe make some money, we do good if we work all the time, we no do good if we not working. Small Dash man is so silly, look at Dash man with red face, he never wants to grow up, he just wants to play outside with his friends. Go Dash man, go play outside, we grown-ups will make everything okay dokey.

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Guest Airmail

OK -- please show us where Milton makes the kind of money you claim he does.

Furthermore, picture this scenario: Milton leaves, GE pulls their $1.05 billion out, who pays your Dash 8 salary now?

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Guest Airmail

Whoa! Great come back but Milton has not received a bonus for the past two years and actually took a wage cut just like all of management from 2001 to 2002 -- what was your wage cut again? Oh right! It was 0% and you even got a raise!

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