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Guest ACguy

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Guest ACguy

I find it ironic that when a debate is exhausted or in fact the party to which has been challenged becomes merely speechless. Speechless to the point of schoolyard antics, and childlike responses. A point is merely there to answer a counterpoint such is the developement of meaningful exchange of viewpoints. I yet again find it discouraging to read some immature and irresposible posts within the forum. If anyone wishes to place a contraversial opinion here, they should at least "humour themselves" by attempting comprehension rather than ridicule. I trust these individuals are not ones with which I have the pleasure of working with. Sadly, they cloud and become the focus of the forum rather than engaging ideals previously mentioned.

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Why should we listen to you? You can't even spell irresponsible!

LOL. That's joke, in case you didn't get it. I agree with you ACguy. I find it particularly annoying when you have made an strong arguement against some point by another poster and then they just walk away. You'll see them posting to a thread above and never get a response to the one below. Too bad we couldn't have some sort of review system, like ebay, to track how many threads a person had abandoned or ended with a slur.


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Guest ACguy

Unfortunately, I along with many other technically oriented individuals have trouble with the English language and her finer points. Irregardless(gotta love that one), I continue to share opinion with my best attmept at grammar.

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"attmept" is your best attempt!?

I was going to completely ignore your posts since they don't interest me until that one, but if I may politely offer some constructive criticism? You should write at the level you know. Don't mis-use the term irony, skip the ten dollar words and for God's sake take a look at your sentence structure. For all I know, you're making some excellent points but we can't tell because you sound like one of Jerry Springer's guests, trying to sound intelligent for the camera.

In case you're wondering I'm being slightly tongue-in-cheek and slightly serious!! I'll leave it to you to figure out which part is which.


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Guest soarcerer

(Ok, look up argument.... It is not arguement.)

Just nit-picking here.

I agree with you 100%. When a person has no valid rebuttal, they will sometimes resort to finding fault with issues that are not germaine to the original argument.

I recall having an individual respond against a piece that I had published in the paper a while ago. He ranted and railed against a run-on sentence in the piece and my use of a metaphor, but nowhere in his diatribe did he contest the point itself!

I think I won the point. 30.

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Ahhhh.....the "arguement" spelling was intentional, yah that's the ticket. lol. If you get a chance, look up a book by Antony Flew ( 'Antony' is correct here ) called " How to Think Straight". It's not an easy read but goes quite deep into reasoning and clear thinking. He gives many examples of flawed arguments, the difference between contradictory and contrary etc.

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Well, "Dick",

Most unsolicited advice is. I already knew that. But if you're referring to the more popular understanding of the word, in which one assumes the other an inferior and lowers himself to their level, that was not the attitude in which it was posted. I may be superior to ACguy. I may not. PROBABLY NOT!

But I had trouble understanding him. I lost his point underneath the pseudo-intellectual pile of words with which it was buried.

Now here's a brain teaser for you; isn't someone who says 'how condescending' to another, in fact assuming a condescending attitude themselves? After all, I didn't ASK you what you thought of my post. Maybe we're not so different after all....

Seriously, thanks for pointing it out though. It's probably partly true and I will try to do better. Apologies to ACguy if he mistook my intention.



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Guest ACguy

Actually, I had baited the statement to incite a response that was successful. In fact, I had committed more than the errors I had set out to. A few run-on sentences and misplaced punctuation, but had succumbed to typos and one or two extra misspelled words>>>oops. I had taken no offence just wanted to “observe” a response. My point is simply that some will attempt to drag someone or some topic way beyond the scope the author had intended!!! ;)

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Guest ACguy

Actually, I had baited the statement to incite a response that was successful. In fact, I had committed more than the errors I had set out to. A few run-on sentences and misplaced punctuation, but had succumbed to typos and one or two extra misspelled words>>>oops. I had taken no offence just wanted to “observe” a response. My point is simply that some will attempt to drag someone or some topic way beyond the scope the author had intended!!! Now this thread is truly ironic ;)

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Guest Dick Dastardly

Good point. Probably should have kept my fingers away from the keyboard. Have a good weekend.


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Guest soarcerer

You are correct. I should have used the word relevant instead of germane.

At least I can spell relevant.

Here is another word that always gives me grief : maneuver (Webster), manoeuvre (Oxfords)

(boy, .... I hate glass houses)

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