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CCChaaaange Steppp !!

Kip Powick

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Ever talk to your self?? Better still…… argue with yourself?? Or how about being so PO’d with a posting, or poster that you just blaze away… but use a different handle??

Yup, I know I have a lot of free time, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to read some postings and then begin to see the identical syntax, use of grammar, and occasional same spelling errors to realize that one person is writing under two different handles…..

Not supposed to be done but, you know,…change of email address, ISP, etc., and the odd one slips through the cracks and “bingo”, we have an individual who, on one hand, writes very intelligently and on the other hand attempts to become someone he really isn’t.

Suffice to say…read and write carefully because in the past few weeks, such an individual has come on the scene and the galling thing is that he has intimated in one of his posts that he is a pilot…. and he is not.

How do I know this???….No, I am not a moderator, no, I do not have access to Admin files…I just read a lot and watch for syntax, grammar, spelling etc…it’s not that hard.

What is his handle???? Well I am not one for anonymity, but I believe I am fair. Perhaps he will read this and just dump the other “handle”….and hopefully he will understand what that tall lanky American President meant when he once said;

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

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Guest ah crap

I assure everyone here I am an AME and only have one handle. I used to have multiple personalities but took them all into a dark alley and beat them senseless. Once, every now and then, I am reminded of my favorite peom
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm a schitzophrenic
and so am I ;)

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"Hi, you've reached the Psycho-Analytical Hotline! If you're an obsessive-compulsive, Press One. Repeatedly. If you're schizophrenic, you press two and you press three. If you're paranoid, just hang up now. We already know what's bothering you AND where you live. If you're depressive, what makes you think we want to hear from a worthless worm like you...." etc, etc


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Mangled syntax and spelling mistakes can be as distinctive as a person's voice. I once discovered that Jimmy Doolittle was posting here by comparing his diary to some of his online messages. I'm not saying it's an exact science, mind you. Just the same, you'd be surprised at the similarities that turn up!


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Guest Sam of Old

Its all anonomous and pretend so who cares (?). When you have real rules to play by then folks can be held accountable, right "NEO".

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