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Why Didn't I get Hired?

Kip Powick

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Guest CabinDweller


the pictures exchanged before summer vacations (some of which you've shared here) were incomplete. I'm still waiting for the set of your Daughter scubaing, tanning, swimming... basically anything involving a bikini.

Now that I think about it... um... don't worry about it.

Some things are better left to the imagination. blink.gifblink.gifblink.gif

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At a company I used to work for, they almost hired some punk kid, who only wore a torn black T-shirt, torn and stained combat pants, make-up, spiked black hair and a collection of coiled telephone cables around his neck.

Though that isn't the reason he wasn't hired...

My ex-employer (recently sold to a "vulture capitalist" and put out of its misery) had policies that almost seemed designed to attract and retain the incompetant and just plain weird. The weird programmer who wouldn't go anywhere without his inflatable palmtree was my favorite.

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