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Help with grammar

Kip Powick

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Had an email from Scuba 05 wondering if I knew why there is a "k" in the word "picnicking" ……as in the past tense….when telling someone what you were doing in the park. icon_question.gificon_question.gif

She thought that "picnicing" would be correct but looked it up and found that she was in error. (all that money to get her through University and…..well….. at least she knows how to read a dictionary!)

I can't remember if there is some great grammatical rule for dropping in the "k"… and can't find an answer on the "web".

Please make my daughter proud of me, cause I’ll pass it along …like…..ya know..Dad’s almost know everything. biggrin.gif

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"The letter "k" is usually added to words ending in "c" before a suffix beginning with "e," "i" or "y" (picnic, picnicking)." (from http://www.ku.edu/~edit/spellhints.html)

" 3. If the base form ends in -c, change the -c to -ck

panic/panicking, picnic/picnicking" (from http://www.gsu.edu/~wwwesl/egw/pluralsv.htm)

Dad's do know everything, don't they?... tongue.gif

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My two cents - and this will probably drive you crazy - there is no such thing as "why" when it comes to languages. I know this from years of taking language courses with "a friend" ( wink.gif ) who happens to be a pilot. Pilots tend to be very mathematical in their thinking, and mathematical rules are very black and white, whereas language rules are fuzzy, with lots of exceptions.

And now, I must get back outside, as there are float planes landing, loons swimming by, and a sunset to watch. (Also, the ice cubes in my glass are melting. wink.gif )

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  (Also, the ice cubes in my glass are melting.  wink.gif )

Ah yes...I found that website as well Mitch, after I wasted about half and hour looking for the info. Are you going off and "mechanicking" tonight ?? biggrin.gif

From cpfa

(Also, the ice cubes in my glass are melting.

Well I see not much has changed in your life ..... wink.gif

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