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When to shut up... and The Glenlivet

Mitch Cronin

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OK, as must be obvious to many, I haven't got a clue when's the right time to keep my mouth closed.... But I can tell you when I think is the wrong time:

That'd be just after I've decided to start yakking again! Man, do you know what it's like to be the last one posting for too long? blink.giftongue.gif

Now... I had a belt of rum just to soften me for this experience (ok, someone may wanna shoot me for that, but heck, I don't know what I'm in for!),,, and I'm about to have my first taste of Single Malt Scotch Whisky.... Maybe I've blown it, but while I was at the local Spirits shop, I couldn't remember what was recommended... I thought I recalled reading that Glenfiddich wasn't the right one to try first, and the money they wanted for the bottles of stuff from the "Isle of Islay" (only had huge bottles) seemed a bit much for a trial...

So I've poured a couple fingers worth in a glass and watered it down a bit (room temp. water)... so it looks a bit like beer in a glass... and I'm about to try to discover why it is people tell me this stuff is so good....

Wish me luck, will ya? ... I've had a lousy week and need some soothing. cool.gif

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Guest rattler

Mitch: Some tips on enjoying scotch..... Don't quit at one type/brand. They are all different and some are easier to like than others.

Here are some tips (no I am not the author)

"There is no right or wrong way to drink Scotch whisky - it's all down to personal taste at the end of the day. However, here are a few suggestions:

Many who drink Scotch whisky neat say they do not want to spoil the taste by adding water. However, equally as many will say that adding a touch of water, particularly if it is pure, soft spring water, (ideally the same spring water used in the making of the particular whisky!) serves to enhance the distinctive aroma and flavour of a whisky. Tap water may contain high amounts of chlorine and therefore would not complement any whisky - your best bet is to opt for bottled Scottish mineral water!

Adding ice to a whisky is such as a shame because it will only dull the fine taste and wonderful aromas. Similarly, carbonated water is not an ideal accompaniment for whisky as it may interfere with the aromas also.

Adding mixers such as ginger ale, soda and even coca cola, is a popular trend, however it begs the question - why drink whisky at all if you need to mask the taste? "

May the best ye've ever seen

Be the worst ye'll ever see

May a moose ne'er leave yer girnal

Wi' a tear drap in his e'e

May ye aye keep hale an' he'rty

Till ye're auld eneuch tae dee

May ye aye be jist as happy

As we wish ye aye tae be

You will understand the toast better after consuming a couple of drams. biggrin.gif

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Hi Pete...

Well, I ended up having a pretty good evening... I did enjoy the drink. Being a lot stronger than what I'm used to drinking (yes, I normally mix my rum), I found it went quite slow... a sipper... (That could be good for me... smile.gif) and an enjoyable one.

Brett... That wage reduction never made it to me... my wife took it all. tongue.gif



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