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Alzheimer's Fundraiser


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Hi Folks;

I haven't spoken of this publicly before now, but my mom has been living with Alzheimer's disease for about two years now. Initially the disease had minimal effect on her daily life and she coped very well. More recently, the disease has progressed quite aggressively. We have done our best as a family to help and support her, but her disease has now reached the point where constant care and watching is required. As a result, we have recently placed her in a long term care facility, where an amazing group of people are helping her to cope with her daily challenges. We are happy that she is safe and well cared for.

Throughout this difficult time, she has faced all of it with grace and dignity. In honour of my mom and all families coping with this difficult disease, I am joining the Alzheimer's Walk for Memories here in Guelph on Sunday, January 27th. I would appreciate any support that you can give. Every dollar counts. Please click on the link below to find more information on this fund raiser and on how you can sponsor me.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks very much for your support Jennifer! Don't give me too much credit, this one is done indoors at a local mall. My sister is doing hers in their local arena. Many Alzheimer's patients and their families participate so I guess they try to make it as comfy as they can.

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Haha... Good! I envisioned you trudging through waist deep snow in blizzard conditions, in a parka and mukluks, with frost on your eyelashes and icicles hanging from your nose!

Still, good work on the fundraising!

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For my mom, I would have done the walk in those conditions. She's climbed more than a few mountains for her family and never, ever with a complaint. Even now, we know she isn't enjoying being in the care facility but she refuses to say a word to that effect. Yes I am biased, but she's the closest thing I've ever seen to deserving sainthood.

Thanks again for your pledge Jenn, I'm now only $30 from my $1500 goal and we should pass that next week when I see the folks in the head office. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today was the day for the Walk for Memories and I am very proud to have participated. We met many wonderful people who are living with Alzheimer's in their families. Thanks to many generous donations from friends and colleagues (including a good many AEFers), my family's combined fundraising total was over $7200. My mom was thrilled to hear this today and asked that I thank everyone for their generous support. A cure is still a long way away, but these donations will go directly to providing support in the community for the many families who are dealing with Alzheimer's.

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