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Kip's Texting code


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Kip has finally given in and has started texting with his retired friends. Here's a decode for anyone who want's to join in. biggrin1.gif

ATD: At the doctor's

BFF: Best friend fell

BTW: Bring the wheelchair

BYOT: Bring your own teeth

FWIW: Forgot where I was

GGPBL: Gotta go pacemaker battery low

GHA: Got heartburn again

IMHO: Is my hearing-aid on?

LMDO: Laughing my dentures out!

OMMR: On my massage recliner

OMSG: Oh my - sorry... gas!

ROFLACGU: Rolling on floor, laughing and can't get up

TTYL: Talk to you louder

Standing by for the inevitable rebuttal. ph34r.gif


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No respect...no damned respect !!!:Tantrum:

Jeff ..........Cancel the 24/7 invitation to our vessels onboard bar and.............. I have changed my cell phone number as well.

Back to the bunker for pout time!:Sob:

Oh crap, I was planning to stop by for a bevie on one of my road trips this summer. So I guess I shouldn't expect any more text messages from you either? wink.gif

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Kip - why not add your own. Some suggestions:

F2F: Face to fish

BFN: Bought fish net

DM: Didn't miss

GTGD: Gone to go diving

DDD: Don't disturb; diving.

GSD: gone Scuba Diving

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