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Earth Day

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Awright.... so I'm a little late, it's still Thursday night to me... Here's my contribution to Earth Day... Y'see, I know it's just a little old rock, flipping around a lonely, insignificant, little G class star, in a relatively common spiral galaxy...

...but the thing is, it's populated by a bunch of interesting critters... Not least of which, are a group of warm blooded hominids, who spend far too much of their precious few moments of existence, in total dissonance with each other... in outright hatred, in some cases....

So this is my caution to them.... an amber caution, single stroke chime, little ecam/eicas message.... that say's .... (sorta,kinda): Get it right!


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Mitch, that website is really something. Was that your idea or did you expand something that you found elsewhere. Do you have any plans for the website;a discussion forum maybe or even a guestbook would be a great addition. I think you could get lots of traffic to the site if it had some activity - perhaps a submission page for comments. I'd also suggest a "Paypal donation" button and that you open a Twitter account linked to the website, then you could tweet random "goodwill to all" messages. No need to give buttons or stickers to new members - you could sell them or, even better, submit your logo/image design to Cafepress and they'll print and distribute whatever button, coffee mug or bumper sticker people want to buy. Lots of ways to get the word out.

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Wow... There's a lot of good ideas I hadn't considered.... Yessir, it was entirely my own idea and creation... from back in the mid 90's sometime... Before I was with sympatico, and before I had cronin.ca... These days, with almost everyone having much higher speed connections, some much prettier graphics could spruce it up a bit... A guest book of sorts is what I'd always had in mind... I think a discussion forum could wind up needing constant attention... I've kept it all along with hopes I'd resurrect it some day... I'll give your ideas some thought.

...again, thank you.



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