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I didn't know that there are.............

Kip Powick

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so many "members" listed on this forum.

I just did a member count from 'A' to 'H' and came up with approximately 677 pages with 13 members a page and that works out to be over 8800 members with less than 1/3 of the alphabet counted.

We could speculate that there are over 15,000 members registered on this board ( at the back end of the alphabet the pages dwindle down to 13 pages of 'X', 'Y' and 'Z' for example.)

There are 664 pages of postings that go back to 2003

Further, I would suspect that we do not have over 100 persons that are constant/recognized posters on this forum.

Lurking seems to be the "in thing"....unsure.gif

Useless trivia.... on a quiet nite in Smallville

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I lurk lots, but didn't know it was an 'in' thing.

On the other hand I also post when I have something to add to the conversation. Well, except now because this is only a post so that your 'reply count' is not a big zero. :wink_smile:

Also, for the past six weeks there have been a lot going on in YVR for us Olympic and Paralympic volunteers so our 'forum time' has been a lot less than normal.

To further reduce the 'forum time' since the sun's coming out it's time to get the goldwing all prepped for another season of 'two wheels move the soul'.

I don't expect to see you here so much when you start polishing the yacht.

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