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Would be King - Jack L.- sent me an email

Kip Powick

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I have no idea how this clown and his entourage got my email address but I shall send a blistering reply and advise him that he is "blocked = deleted" in my operating system.

I have never sent him, or his Party, an email...King Jack must be spamming all of Canada.

Thank you for your previous email outlining your concerns with the

Conservative government. I offer this email to update you on our

position on this year's budget.

Canadians understand that budgets are about choices. Regrettably, Prime

Minster Harper chose to ignore Canada's poorest seniors, failed to

introduce measures to protect workers' benefits and pensions in the

event of bankruptcy, and gutted environmental protection. Instead, the

Conservatives chose to continue with the lowering of the corporate tax

rate. This means less government revenue to help the innocent victims of

this recession and more money for the high-earning banks and oil


For these reasons and more, New Democrats will not support this budget

as written.

It doesn't have to be this way. The following items highlight just a few

of our ideas on how the government can make better choices to help

everyday Canadians:

- repeal generous tax cuts to profitable corporations-they just don`t

need them

- increase the Guaranteed Income Supplement to help lift seniors out of


- invest in recession-weary Canadians-they do need help

- invest in job creation to put Canadians back to work

- extend the Home Renovation Tax Credit to protect jobs

- target investments in the green economy to create jobs and protect our


Compassionate Canadians know that there is no economic recovery until

the 500,000 Canadians thrown out of work are back on the job and our

seniors are lifted out of poverty. Staying the course is not the right

course for Canada.

I appreciate this opportunity to keep in touch with you. Feel free to

share my email with anyone who may be interested. All the best.


Jack Layton, MP (Toronto-Danforth)

Leader, Canada's New Democrats

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Perhaps you should share his email address, as requested, with your banker friends in Nigeria...

The political parties are always looking for money and these bankers and such seem awfully anxious to give some away!

Excellent Idea !!!!! Will do that tonight !!checkmark.gifcheckmark.gif

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